Now that the toilet wars have died down,...

Jean-Marie Baland (?) and James A. Robinson published an article in 2000
in which they suggested that a good way to reduce child labor would be to
let parents borrow against their children's future income.  Has there
been anything else written on this subject since then?

I was thinking that a similar approach could address falling birth rates
(if it's something that needs to be addressed).  If children could be
self-financing, presumably parents would have more of them.
"Childrearing loans" could make it easier for home-schooling or for one
parent to stay home or for a married couple to be able to start having
children earlier, etc.

Could it be that a profitable market in childrearing loans might
dramatically reduce the need for a social safety net?

So, I was wondering what other armchair-ers think about this.  If it's a
good idea, what are the obstacles preventing it from being implemented?
If it's a bad idea, why?

Thanks for any consideration you give to this topic,

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