how about by that of church and ware? any comments?

At 09:37 PM 08-07-02 +0100, you wrote:
> > The industrial organization textbook by Carlton and Perloff is good on
> > issues of price discrimination, quantity discounts etc.
> >
> > Alex
>Sadly, I find Advanced Industrial Economics, by Stephen Martin (Blackwell
>1993) a much better book in many ways.  Although Carlton is a hugely
>talented economist (also hugely successful consultant; he recently endowed a
>chair at MIT), Carlton and Perloff is a talk-talk book.  Too much "it can be
>shown that" with a citation, rather than actually showing, plus lots of
>summaries.  Useful, but not a very good text.  Martin is much better at
>showing how the models actually work.  Lest I find myself in the middle of
>an antitrust dispute, I will happily stipulate for the libertarians on the
>list that Martin's antitrust views seem to assume that the government is
>different from everyone else by being benevolent and all-wise.  His text is
>still better than Carlton and Perloff.
>The literature on bundling is huge.  One place to start is by looking at
>John Lott and Russell Roberts, "A Guide to the Pitfalls of Identifying Price
>Discrimination"  Economic Inquiry (January 1991) 29, 14-23, an important
>critique of empirical work on price discrimination.  They point to the
>difficulties of separating cost explanations from price discrimination
>explanations.  Since then, empirical papers have to confront the
>Lott-Roberts critique, so a citation search on Lott and Roberts is a good
>way to begin.
>Because the literature is so large, it is worth asking what sort of
>applications you are looking for.  For example, Carl Shapiro and Hal
>Varian's Information Rules (the book's website is has a
>lot of interesting non-technical material on bundling in information goods.
>The references (mostly in the website, not the book) go back to the
>technical material.
>Bill Sjostrom
>William Sjostrom
>Senior Lecturer
>Department of Economics
>National University of Ireland, Cork
>Cork, Ireland
>+353-21-490-2091 (work)
>+353-21-427-3920 (fax)
>+353-21-463-4056 (home)

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