Another observation that may or may not be related to the "children are 
much less cooperative tha adults-thesis" is this: children are some of 
the "best" soldiers in terms of ruthlesness and willingless to kill 
(something it can be very hard getting well trained adult soldiers to 
do - even in "it's him or me" situations). 

I must admit that I am basing my statement on children soldiers 
primarily on anecdotal evidence (the pol pot regime, wars in africa, 
etc) - maybe someone on the list knows otherwise

Anyway. If true, thi´s could point to the explanation that children are 
simply less socialised / civilised than adults.

- jacob braestrup

> Why are adults so much more cooperative than children?  A contrarian
> might dispute this, but I'd say it's pretty obvious.  Kids resort to
> violence very quickly, adults very slowly.  Kids go out of their way 
> hurt other kids' feelings; adults try to avoid saying anything that
> might get back to someone they don't like.  Kids steal stuff from 
> kids much more readily than adults would.  Etc.
> A few explanations:
> 1.  Adults have a much higher absolute IQ than kids (i.e., kids' IQs 
> age-adjusted, adults' IQs are not), so they are smart enough to
> recognize the indirect effects of their behavior.
> 2.  Adults have lower time preference than kids.
> 3.  Adults have had more time to learn about indirect consequences.
> 4.  Adults are just less spiteful.
> 5.  Adults face harsher punishment.
> 6.  The child and adult worlds are in two very different coordination
> equilibria.  Notice how drastically the 12th-grade high school culture
> differs from the 1st-year college culture.
> Other ideas?   
> -- 
>                         Prof. Bryan Caplan                
>        Department of Economics      George Mason University
>   "He wrote a letter, but did not post it because he felt that no one 
>    would have understood what he wanted to say, and besides it was 
>    necessary that anyone but himself should understand it."     
>                    Leo Tolstoy, *The Cossacks*

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