In a message dated 9/2/02 12:07:20 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Howdy,

Why does it seem like the other lane in heavy traffic
is always going faster?  Depends on who you ask. 
Here's two contradictory answers with explanations. >>

I've always though it's a perception problem:  I think about which lane is 
going faster in a memorable way only when I'm angry that it's not my lane.

That reminds me of something I said to a girlfriend of mine back in my 
undergraduate days.  She angrily rifled around her dorm room looking for her 
keys, and when she found it (rhetorically) demanded to know why it's always 
in the last place she looked.  I replied that it's because when we find it we 
stop looking.  <G>


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