> Well, it's that time of the year when Nobel Prizes are announced.  Last
> I was half-correct in predicting that Janet Yellen would win but the
> rainmakers in Oslo decided to go with her husband George Akerlof.  This
> I will go out on a limb and predict that the field of experimental
> will be recognized with the pioneers Vernon Smith and Charlie Plott
> top awards.  Honorable Mention - William Baumol.

I have never predicted a Nobel Prize correctly, but I am guessing Oliver
Williamson and Armen Alchian.  Alas, this guess is like Samuel Johnson's
thinking on second marriages: the triumph of hope over experience.

I also worked out that I correctly predicted only three of the last eight
presidential elections (including the notoriously difficult to guess '84
election), so I should probably just give up on predictions before I really
embarrass the profession.

By the way, the web site says that the prize will be announced today at 3:30
today (at the earliest), which is 9:30 on the US east coast.  Still a bit of
time to see some better predictions than mine.

Bill Sjostrom

William Sjostrom
Senior Lecturer
Department of Economics
National University of Ireland, Cork
Cork, Ireland

+353-21-490-2091 (work)
+353-21-427-3920 (fax)
+353-21-463-4056 (home)

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