In a message dated 12/4/02 1:14:42 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Actually it would be interesting to hear someone delinate a clear
> distinction between taxation on money and taxation in kind.

There is no clear distinction.
Money is a medium, and the underlying reality is goods exchanging for other
goods.  If you have a ticket for a show which costs $5 plus $1 in tax, the
tax is not really on the ticket, but on the show.

Fred Foldvary  >>

I'm inclined to think there is no clear distinction, which is why I asked the 
original author of the comment (js I believe) to provide one.  Still I must 
admit that there does seem to be, on some emotional level, a difference among 
having one's goods confiscated, being forced to perform manual labor or other 
services not of a sexual nature, and being forced to perform sexual services. 
 Without being able to draw any clean lines of distinction myself, I just not 
that the second seems more invasive than the first, and the third more in
vasive than the second.


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