>   Here are some more factors to consider in evaluating the relative safety of planes 
>vs. cars (maybe Saudi Arabia has the right idea?):
>   The old wives' tale (old husbands' tale?) turns out to be true after all.  Per 
>million miles driven, women drivers have a much higher accident rate than male 
>drivers, including drunken men! And airplane crashes are four times (!) more likely  
>when the pilot is female.  The explanation is believed to be sex differences in 
>hand-eye coordination.
>    http://christianparty.net/womendrivers.htm
>   Women Drivers Are a Serious Health Risk For Men
>        33,696 men drivers and 20,156 women drivers were involved in the traffic 
>fatalities of 41,967 American citizens in 1997.

I would be a bit skeptical of the figures presented on that web site,
without independent confirmation.

Check out the links from the main page at http://christianparty.net

For example, the there is a link on that page to "setting the
standard" at http://christianparty.net/standard.htm which purports to
have test scores of some sort ofr various demographic groups,
classified as "Race & Sex."  The categories include, "Mexican Boys,"
"Caucasian Girls," "jew boys," "Nigger Boys," "jew girls," "Nigger
Girls," etc.

Other pages on that web site include a call to repeal the 19th
amendment (i.e., take away the right of women to vote), claims that
the Jews started World War II and "How jewish Doctors Kill Christians"
(example: "Reduced mental capacity of American students with
fluoride.") and numerous other antisemitic garbage.

Although the main thrust of the site is antisemitism and the next
priority seems to be misogyny, there are also some other tidbits --
ITSELF" and almost all U.S. rape convictions are based on lies.

--Robert Book

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