An interesting observation by my friend Jim.
                        Prof. Bryan Caplan                
       Department of Economics      George Mason University      [EMAIL PROTECTED]

     Mr. Banks: Will you be good enough to explain all this?! 

     Mary Poppins: First of all I would like to make one thing 
                   perfectly clear. 

     Banks: Yes? 

     Poppins: I never explain *anything*. 

                            *Mary Poppins*
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Opera houses have felt the pinch of a weakened economy.  A significant
number of them have canceled works with the explanation that they were
substituting obscure works with more popular ones to increase ticket sales.
I don't think that opera ticket revenue is actually counter cyclical, but I
still think the phenomenon is pretty funny.  Imagine Warner finding out the
economy is bad so they greenlight more summer block busters.

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