> SH:
> > I suppose there *could* be a neutral tax, but what would be the point?
> > It would be something like taking five dollars from everyone and giving
> > them back five dollars worth of 'services'.
> FF:
> <<The whole point is to provide collective services.
> If you join a club and pay dues to get some services, do you then
> complain
> that you paid money and got services?>>
> Of course not. How does that apply to governments and taxation, though?

You asked what is the point in collecting taxes and providing services.
For most services, voluntary action can do the job fine.
But many folks would not want to have private armies around, so the point
in having government collect taxes and providing defense is to prevent
private parties from doing so.

But the relevant issue was neutral taxation, not the desirability of
government per se.  The tax issue needs to be addressed GIVEN that
government exists and takes revenue.

Fred Foldvary


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