Regarding the economic return to beauty this newspaper cite suggests a link through health.


Researchers in Spain have found that men who are regarded as attractive by women are also more fertile.

Their sperm move faster and are generally healthier.

The study is the latest to suggest that good looks can be a pointer to good health.

In April, researchers in Australia found that men with chiselled jaws and classic masculine features are in better physical health than their less manly peers.

These and similar findings have led scientists to conclude that women who seek attractive male partners are, in fact, searching for the healthiest men, most able to father and provide for their children....


Alexander Tabarrok Department of Economics, MSN 1D3 George Mason University Fairfax, VA, 22030 Tel. 703-993-2314

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Director of Research The Independent Institute 100 Swan Way Oakland, CA, 94621 Tel. 510-632-1366

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