Robby Workman wrote:
On Sat, 22 May 2010 22:14:33 +0100 (BST)
Stuart Winter <> wrote:

I guess we need to change /boot to a FAT partition!?!
I'd look around and ask on the plug web site about it before
making such a choice; I'm shocked to see ext2 filesystem support

The Kernel package won't install properly to a FAT filesystem /boot
because the "uImage-<archname>" file names are symlinks to a
version-named kernel file.

You could still work around this manually in the installer, but
I'd wait to find out why ext2 support is missing first.

Well, I guess if I/we can ever get this ubootconfig project in a working state, it could use the full filename of the kernel image. That would require one to run ubootconfig after
every kernel upgrade, which considering that we're used to this
anyway with lilo, might not be such a big deal...


Actually it works fine under FAT. Lickety split too. Its not the same as ext with the sym links. But it works great - booted many times over the last few days. Works much faster than the ext2load I tried recently.

I have questions still for Stuart.
I tried compiling a kernel with the config from /kernels/kirkwood
I want to use this as a reference to start trimming down what I do not need for my project. I am compiling it right on the plug itself. I get a uImage that doesnt match in byte size (but it is close) and will not boot. When booting my uImage-jjo it says Uncompressing and hangs instead of the uImage-kirkwood. Am I missing any patches?

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