I am not sure why this is happening.  What can I provide to help?

I disabled all the plugins to try to speed up processing and reduce the likelihood of them producing a problem. It has helped with the sluggishness alot! But I leave it unattended and it still crashes once in a while. This is from -current on my guruplug running from the micro SD with that uboot I compiled up. BUT using from 13.1 because of the missing Access Point module in -current.

It doesn't happen alot.  But it does happen enough to be a concern.

Thanks in advance,
Johnny O

=== Never ask a geek why, just nod your head and slowly back away.===
|  John O'Donnell                |                                  |
|  (Sr. Systems Engineer,        |    http://juanisan.homeip.net    |
|  Net Admin, Programmer, etc.)  |  E-Mail: unixjohn1...@gmail.com  |
No man is useless who has a friend, and if we are loved we are
indispensable.  -- Robert Louis Stevenson
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