On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 10:40, Stuart Winter <m-li...@biscuit.org.uk> wrote:
>> I got the chance to run a quick test last night so I loaded the
>> installer and kernel onto a usb thumb drive ext2 partition, renamed them
>> to uImage and uInitrd and booted with the existing doozan uboot and boot
>> lines.  As seen in the pastebin boot log, it booted normally until it
>> stuck waiting for a keyboard entry.  Since I was using a serial cable I
>> was able to hit enter allowing the boot process to continue.  Obviously
>> I would not have able to continue if I did not have the serial cable.
>> After logging in I check to see if the network interface was up and
>> found that it was not.  I assumed then that ssh was not running.  After
>> that I started the install process, using ftp install option.  I didn't
>> have enough time to complete the install but I have no doubt that it
>> would have worked. So I would think the following three things need be
>> addressed to allow the installer to work without the need for a serial
>> cable: 1) Eliminate the need for a keyboard selection entry (may be a
>> time out) 2) Start up dhcpd 3) Start up ssh
> These things are already taken care of, when you specify the
> correct boot parameters.
> What is the boot line you used in u-boot?

From what I've understood Richard has used the bootline which is
included in the patched Uboot from Jeff Doozan (e.g. plug the usb key
and let the uboot boot the kernel and installer automagically).
Instead with the serial cable (or with a netconsole activated in the
uboot) it is possible by pressing enter during the startup to
interrupt the boot process and type the commands to the uboot
interactively. I have the feeling, but I might be wrong, that Richard
has not done this. Come on guys, we are almost there! :-)
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