On 01/26/2011 06:11 AM, Stuart Winter wrote:
Can you actually upgradepkg the kernel packages and reboot into the new
kernel without modifying any u-boot config?
Yes, as long as you changed the symbolic links to point to the new kernel and initrd.
If you give me all the u-boot stuff, I can put the u-boot binaies on the
ftp site and link to them from the "device maintenance" page on the web
Why not just leave there on Jeff's site and just put the link in the armedslack installation instructions
I'm not sure where I'd put the modifying of the u-boot environment/rescue thing.
Again, why not put it the instructions. Also you can ignore the rescue thing, it's needed. Jeff's has kind of a generic uboot with some environmental variables to boot his rescue system. If the rescue system is not installed the uboot just go on to the next thing to try and boot.


Rich Lapointe
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