
First of all, I'm not sure, if this should be posted here, but I guess if it shouldn't, then someone forwards this message to appropriate people;)

Last time I was trying to install ARMed Slack on my ARM board, but I wanted it to be installed on NFS share. My point is that, it is much easier to develop embedded system using NFS for its rootfs. Finally I managed to do it, but I think there should be better way to do so.

The problem is that, setup expects the existence of at least one partition of type Linux. So, do you think, is the setup program worth extending to support installation on NFS or at least not to refuse installing, when there's no partition available?

My installation procedure looked like this:
- mounted remote NFS on /mnt,
- used SD/MMC so the setup finally didn't complain about lack of partition,
- in TARGET menu I selected 'Continue' without setting any target partition.

Any suggestions welcome;)

BTW, I'm using ARMed Slack in my thesis, and in near future I'll give you some example what it can do (not robust, but gives some view).

Best regards,
Andrzej Telszewski
ARMedslack mailing list

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