I fixed a few other things:
the static network now get properly restarted 

will not kill blindly all dhcp clients ... only the instance running on eth0

will only set sysctl options if they are avalible 

[ -f /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward ] && sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1
[ -f /proc/sys/dev/rtc/max-user-freq ] && \
  sysctl -w dev.rtc.max-user-freq=1024

if [ $(ifconfig |grep "Link encap" |grep -c "^br0") -lt 1 ]
  if [ $(ps -eo pid,cmd |grep -v grep |grep dhcpcd |grep -c eth0) -ge 1 ]
    RESTART_NET="dhcpcd -t 10 br0"
    kill -9  $(ps -eo pid,cmd |grep -v grep |grep dhcpcd |grep eth0 |awk 
'{print $1}')
    RESTART_NET="ifconfig br0 $(ip addr show dev eth0 |grep inet |awk '{print 
    ifconfig eth0 down

  brctl addbr br0
  brctl stp br0 off
  brctl setfd br0 1
  brctl addif br0 eth0



/sbin/ifconfig $1 promisc up
/sbin/brctl addif br0 $1
sleep 1
brctl show

--- Ven 29/4/11, John O'Donnell <unixjohn1...@gmail.com> ha scritto:

> Da: John O'Donnell <unixjohn1...@gmail.com>
> Oggetto: Re: [ARMedslack] qemu-network-tun.sh modified script
> A: "Slackware ARM port" <armedslack@lists.armedslack.org>
> Data: Venerdì 29 Aprile 2011, 10:23
> On 04/29/2011 04:06 AM, Davide
> wrote:
> > If anyone else finds this handy this works with dhcp
> client on both host and guest and also gets rid of all
> rc.local requirements.
> > On the guest os you will need to config interface once
> system is up (static or via dhcp)
> > Needs fixing for static ip reconfiguration/rerouting
> on host system after bridge creation.
> > 
> > I apologize for my non standard indentation ...
> Also if anyone cares, I wrote a script like that over a
> year ago to lanuch a private network for many VMs (all Linux
> distros - many versions) to compile software for a company I
> was at.  It is configured a private network so some
> assembly is required.  But I made most of it
> configurable up top so it could be on a public
> adapter.  I developed it on Slack (of course) then
> deployed it to a Suse production box.  I had set up NFS
> on the host with the source code.  The source would get
> copied to its own branch for the machine it was compiling
> for, fire up the VM, compile over NFS, create package on NFS
> host (rpm/tgz/txz/deb/etc), then die, rinse and repeat.
> #!/bin/sh
> # Start/stop qemu's private network
> # Revised: 12/16/2009 JJO
> # Provides: qemunet
> # Required-Start: $network
> # Required-Stop: $network
> # Default-Start: 3 5
> # Default-Stop: 0 1 2 6
> # Description: Start the qemu private network
> BRIDGE=br0
> ETH=dummy0
> TAP=tap0
> # A little SuSE sanity check
> [ -f /etc/SuSE-release ] && /sbin/rmmod dummy0
> >/dev/null 2>&1
> # Start the qemu private network
> qemunet_start() {
>   # Make sure the qemu private network isnt already
> running
>   for IF in $ETH $TAP $BRIDGE; do
>     /sbin/ifconfig | grep $IF >/dev/null
> 2>&1
>     [ $? = 0 ] && PROBLEM=TRUE
>   done
>   if [ $PROBLEM = TRUE ]; then
>     echo "All or part of the qemu private network
> is already running!"
>     echo "Cowardly refusing to start it
> again!  BYE!"
>     exit 1
>   fi
>   echo "Starting the qemu private network..."
>   # Make sure the kernel module is loaded
>   /sbin/lsmod | grep dummy >/dev/null 2>&1
>   [ $? = 1 ] && /sbin/modprobe dummy
>   # First take interface down, then bring it up with
> IP
>   /sbin/ifconfig $ETH down
>   /sbin/ifconfig $ETH promisc up
>   # Bring up the tap device (name specified as first
> argument, by QEMU)
>   /usr/sbin/openvpn --mktun --dev $TAP
>   /sbin/ifconfig $TAP promisc up
>   # create the bridge between eth0 and the tap device
>   /sbin/brctl addbr $BRIDGE
>   /sbin/brctl addif $BRIDGE $ETH
>   /sbin/brctl addif $BRIDGE $TAP
>   # only a single bridge so loops are not possible,
> turn off spanning tree protocol
>   /sbin/brctl stp $BRIDGE off
>   # Bring up the bridge with ETHIP and add the default
> route
>   /sbin/ifconfig br0 $ETHIP netmask
> broadcast $ETHBC
>   [ -n "$GATEWAY" ] && /sbin/route add default
> }
> # Stop the qemu private network
> qemunet_stop() {
>   echo "Stopping the qemu private network..."
>   # Bring down interface and br0
>   /sbin/ifconfig $ETH down
>   /sbin/ifconfig $BRIDGE down
>   /sbin/rmmod dummy
>   # Delete the bridge
>   /sbin/brctl delbr $BRIDGE
>   # delete the tap device
>   /usr/sbin/openvpn --rmtun --dev $TAP
> }
> # Restart the qemu private network
> qemunet_restart() {
>   qemunet_stop
>   sleep 1
>   qemunet_start
> }
> # Check if the qemu private network is up and running
> qemunet_status() {
>   echo -n "Checking the qemu private network: "
>   # Check the qemu private inetwork
>   for IF in $ETH $TAP $BRIDGE; do
>     /sbin/ifconfig | grep $IF >/dev/null
> 2>&1
>     if [ $? = 1 ]; then
>       echo -n "$IF is down"
>     else
>       echo -n "$IF is up"
>     fi
>     if [ $IF = $BRIDGE ]; then
>       echo "."
>     else
>       echo -n ", "
>     fi
>   done
> }
> case "$1" in
> 'start') qemunet_start ;;
> 'stop')  qemunet_stop ;;
> 'restart') qemunet_restart ;;
> 'status')  qemunet_status ;;
> *) echo "usage $0 start|stop|restart|status"
> esac
> -- === Never ask a geek why, just nod your head and slowly
> back away.===
> +================================+==================================+
> |  John O'Donnell         
>       |         
>         |
> |  (Sr. Systems Engineer,       
> |    http://juanisan.homeip.net   
> |
> |  Net Admin, Programmer, etc.)  |  E-Mail:
> unixjohn1...@gmail.com 
> |
> +================================+==================================+
> No man is useless who has a friend, and if we are loved we
> are
> indispensable.  -- Robert Louis Stevenson
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