Am Thursday 14 July 2011 15:06:01 schrieb Davide:
> My last day at the old work the work mate gave me a Toshiba AC100 as a
> present (one of those nvidia tegra dual core arm based netbooks with
> android): how do I put armedslack in this thing ?

You can search the ML archive for this message and ask Manfred:

> > I wonder If anyone has tried ARMed Slack on a Toshiba AC100 netbook?
> Hi Thorsten,
> at the very moment I've started porting FluxFlux to ARMed Slack using the
> ac100 as dev machine.
> I'm at a very early stage, but I think this netbook is a very good start
> to be prepared for the release of tegra 4.
> Regards,
> Manfred aka Quax

Thorsten Mühlfelder
Salix OS:
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