On 25 August 2011 21:49, lee jones <slothp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The second partition contains this
> ( 
> ftp://ftp.armedslack.org/armedslack/armedslack-devtools/minirootfs/roots/slack-13.1-miniroot_14Jun10.tar.xz
>  )

Excuse the silly question, did you actually extract the image on the
partition or did just copy the archive (I said it was a silly question
but I had to ask!).

> boot.script looks like this
> setenv ramdisk uInitrd-;
> setenv kernel uImage-;
> setenv bootargs console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootwait rw;

How is the second partition recognised on your smartbook (fdisk -l)?
Did you change "root=" to point to the right partition?
I'd also add  "rootfs=ext3" .

Copy the original boot.script into boot.script.orig, then edit  boot.script and:

cd /boot
./script-prep boot.script boot.scr

Then, according to William Steuben's instructions:
"If you want the initial first time boot setup to work you need to cd
to the root filesystem of the sd card and type touch

Do this only if you have a recovery image. I don't want to be
responsible for the life of your smartbook.

And another thing: have you tried to boot from the installed Ubuntu,
mount the Slackware partition and then chroot into it? At least you
know if you can run that system with that kernel and those modules.


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