Ok .... I decided to note down as a list of instructions what I've tried to
do, here goes. Note that it still does not boot!

Attempt at getting Armedslack 13.1 onto Efika MX Smartbook

Armedslack Version used         = slack-13.1-miniroot_14Jun10.tar.xz
Efika mx modules/kernel version =

0. Notes
* This dosen't work yet. Although the earlier boot error messages I had have
largely gone - so far the MX smartbook locks up/hangs, it dosen't complete
* I changed the 1st partiton from EXT2 to EXT3 as I found that while I was
doing all of this it (partiton 1) would get corrupted x.x .
* The efika mx kernel used here *at boot-up* dosen't understand EXT3!
* Once booting has started EXT3 seems ok but them dosen't understand EXT2...
* I ended up using EXT3 for partiton 1 and EXT4 for partition 2.

here's what I've tried;

1. Grab an SD card and partition it into two partitions
Partition 1 - 100MB         EXT3
Partition 2 - Rest of card  EXT4

2. Format both partitions on a linux system. Use mkfs.ext3 for the ext3
partiton, and use mkfs.ext4 for the ext4 partition.

3. Download the slack 13.1 miniroot file from here;

4. Download both the boot.tar.xz and root.tar.xz from here;

5. Extract the files from the boot.tar.xz file onto the first partiton. Note
that in the .tar.xz file the files are in a directory called "boot". These
will need to be moved to the root of the 1st partition of the SD card. Also
get rid of the old boot directory and lost+found.

6. Extract the files from the slack distro onto the second partition of the
SD card, e.g. tar -xf slack-13.1-miniroot_14Jul10.tar.xz -C

7. Extract the /lib/modules directory and files from the root.tar.xz file.
Copy them onto the second SD card partition into /lib/modules.

8. Edit on the second SD partition etc/inittab and comment out the line
starting "s0:1234", put a # in front to comment out.

9. Edit on the second SD partition etc/fstab and add this;
/dev/mmcblk0p2  /     ext4 defaults 1 1
/dev/mmcblk0p1  /boot ext3 defaults 0 0

10. Boot up the efika MX smartbook with no SD card in it (so it goes into
its ubuntu distro), once it has loaded up pop in the second card.

11. On the first SD card partition, change the boot.script file to read as
follows (it should be in the root of the 1st SD card partition, you'll need
sudo also);

setenv ramdisk uInitrd-;
setenv kernel uImage-;
setenv bootargs console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootwait ro;
${loadcmd} ${ramdiskaddr} ${ramdisk};
if imi ${ramdiskaddr}; then; else
  setenv bootargs ${bootargs} noinitrd;
  setenv ramdiskaddr "";
${loadcmd} ${kerneladdr} ${kernel}
if imi ${kerneladdr}; then
  bootm ${kerneladdr} ${ramdiskaddr}

11. From the first partition of the SD card run the following command;
sudo ./script-prep boot.script boot.scr

12. Shut down the MX smartbook, leave the SD card in its slot and power back

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