On 16 October 2011 22:32, lee jones <slothp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello again!
> After doing a *lot* of research and I'm not sure if I mentioned this or not
> but I've now managed to get X to work just a little faster on the efika mx
> smartbook. After posting on another forum, the key was to stop using the
> older version of pixman armedslack uses and use the latest version, 0.23.6
> (I think armedslack 13.1's is 0.16.x). This works fairly well -- mozilla is
> usable (though it does "pause" while it is doing something) I could even
> play a video and use it! Only snag is that this comes at a lot higher CPU
> usage.
> http://andy29uk.no-ip.org/www/ is where I've put the files. Though I've not
> updated the files there with the newer pixman yet.
> One thing which would really be useful is trying to get KDE 3.5 to run on
> armedslack but there dosen't seem to be any packages yet x.x !

But you don't say how you have updated pixman. Have you used a
slackbuild (which by the way I couldn't find) or have you installed a
binary and where did you get it from (--current is on pixman-0.20.2)?


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