> > What kind of tests? On x86 platform I could measure slight differences
> > on audio/video decoding/encoding.
> >

You've made a good list there-  I'm rebuilding some of the core stuff at
the moment.

I don't expect there to be much of a performance improvement either, but
even if there's 0.5% it's better than nothing - since my goal is to have
an ARM desktop machine.

To be honest, the old ARM machines with an armv4t CPU in my opinion are
painful to use (having used one for a while) and don't give an enjoyable
experience - so I'm more interested in moving forwards and supporting the
new mass market baseline of armv5t.

The old machines can use armedslack 13.37 which is a very good release as
far as Slackware goes - the only thing broken in armedslack is KDE, which
would be unusable on such old hardware anyway.

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