On 02/10/2012 05:00 AM, Stuart Winter wrote:

   I had one problem after following the instructions in INSTALL_KIRKWOOD.TXT.
I created a FAT16 /boot partition as Stuart suggests in the documentation and

I don't suggest FAT - I suggest ext2, for the reason you mention -
FAT doesn't support symlinks, and the u-boot for the Sheevas and OpenRD
client only support ext2.

Try FAT. Compare to ext2. When you see the difference, enjoy ext. Upgrade manually.

Only my Sheevas work well with FAT.

=== Never ask a geek why, just nod your head and slowly back away.===
|  John O'Donnell                |                                  |
|  (Sr. Systems Engineer,        |    http://juanisan.homeip.net    |
|  Net Admin, Programmer, etc.)  |  E-Mail: unixjohn1...@gmail.com  |
No man is useless who has a friend, and if we are loved we are
indispensable.  -- Robert Louis Stevenson
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