On 02/24/2012 10:47 AM, David Madden wrote:
Thanks for the replies & info. (For some reason, it doesn't look like I'm
getting digests, so I just saw them in the web archives.)

I've had luck building a 3.2.6 kernel with vanilla sources and a bit of .config
file tweaking. My current config is at:


I am trying your config to see if I can get a booted kernel. I tried re-compiling what comes with armedslack and it failed to boot again.

So re-compiling again...  Maybe tomorrow I can boot 3.2.6

=== Never ask a geek why, just nod your head and slowly back away.===
|  John O'Donnell                |                                  |
|  (Sr. Systems Engineer,        |    http://juanisan.homeip.net    |
|  Net Admin, Programmer, etc.)  |  E-Mail: unixjohn1...@gmail.com  |
No man is useless who has a friend, and if we are loved we are
indispensable.  -- Robert Louis Stevenson
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