On 07/10/2012 03:50 PM, Stuart Winter wrote:
Is this device completely supported by the ARM Slackware port?
I guess Stuart would say: "it's not a case of "porting" - it's just
adding support".
Not to answer *that* question I wouldn't.

The dockstar is supported in the way that a kernel is supplied that runs
on that device.

Much to my disgust, someone on this list used one of those pointless
devices ;-)

Well you would be really discussed with me. I've got three Dockstars all running ARMedSlack 13.37. And to make it worst, I've got two Pogoplugs E02 running current. On all of these devices I loaded Jeff Doozan uboot, so no real problem with hacking the boot loader.

Rich Lapointe

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