
2012/7/11 Alexjan Carraturo <axjsl...@gmail.com>:
> I see that there is a tool to compile "native" the packages, but now
> I'm wondering if there is the possibility to have (or realize) a Cross
> Compiler specifically that it's able to work with Slackbuilds of
> armedslack.

Yes, it is possible to Cross Compile Armedslack, and I believe
Armedslack-team does ti for most packages, but there is some problem:
some software packages no suitable to be cross-compiled, and it is
required to change Makefiles manually, so crosscompilation can fail.
I am not Armedslack user yet, so I can only recommend you to read here
http://www.armedslack.org/doku.php?id=faqs (follow sublinks, probably
it can give you some answers.

regards, Yaroslav
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