On Sep 5, 2012 14:38 "Stuart Winter" <m-li...@biscuit.org.uk> wrote:

> > Yeah, I'd miss it too... I still use qemu with its snapshot feature
> > to
> > build packages on a "clean" installation.
> > My real ARM hardware has too many packages installed to consider it
> > a
> > clean installation.
> I had a look and realised that to remove all the references to
> Versatile,
> and test the packages and installer would take more effort and time
> than
> to build the kernels and test it once or twice a year, so I'll leave
> them
> there.
> Thank you. QEMU is a very useful tool. Without QEMU I would not have
> been able to get SlackwareArm up and running on a Raspberry pi before
> a proper installer existed. What would have been an impossible task
> was made trivial with the QMEU support. Thank you for all your hard
> work supporting Slackware on Arm.
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