On Jun 15, 2013 4:50 PM, "Gregg Levine" <gregg.drw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello!
> Earlier today I had my Slackware (on Intel) system uninstall system.
> Its installer removal program told me that I'd need to log out and log
> back in before there would be any changes seen. Well I did that. On
> logging back in I saw that the process had eaten the prompt.
> It replaced the <user name>@<machine name> that's been a mainstay of
> Linux since I first started using the OS many years earlier, with just
> the shell name. Which is of course Bash.
> I don't suppose all of you have any ideas for recovering things,
> outside of reinstalling the works? In that eventually I made sure I
> had downloaded a fresh DVD image of Slackware, and of the version that
> the system is currently running. And I'm making plans for backing up
> everything important that I put on the system since it was installed
> about two years ago December. I also asked on a list that I fellow I
> know runs where everyone runs everything else, and advice is rarely
> Slackware friendly.
> -----
> Gregg C Levine gregg.drw...@gmail.com
> "This signature fought the Time Wars, time and again."
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I haven't used slackware on intel for some time but I'm not aware of a
system uninstall utility, unless you mean uninstalling a single package.
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