
On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 7:19 AM, Lakshmanan Iyer <lax...@gmail.com> wrote:


> A question to the developers:
> Is it possible to develop a script in R/Perl/Shell so that it will produce
> the required directory structure and also print out instruction on moving
> the appropriate files (CEL, CDF etc..) to the appropriate directories? I am
> afraid to embark on this myself as I live in Linux and Mac world only!

I don't see how this can be done generically.  Please, note that you
do *not* have to copy/move annotation file or data file to the local
directory.  Instead, it is recommended to keep them all in one place,
and *link* to them from you working directory.  Also, I keep one
working directory per project.

On Linux/unix/OSX this is done by:

1. cd my/project/projectA/
2. ln -s /the/path/to/my/annotationData/ .
3. ln -s /another/path/to/my/rawData/ .

On Windows you can achieve the same by using Windows Shortcut links:

1. Open the Windows Explorer and go to your working directory.
2. Open another Windows Explorer and go to the "central" directory
contain annotationData/.
3. Right-click and drag the "annotationData/" directory to you working
directory and drop it there.  This should create a shortcut link such
that if you click on it, it will open the "real" directory.  The
aroma.affymetrix package recognize these shortcuts as well.
4. Do the same for the rawData/ directory.

The above cannot be done using an automatic script.  Though, if you
have a good suggestion how to further simplify how to set up the
directory structure or improve the documentation:


please let us know.  Note that the strict directory structure is there
to help you, not to make your life a pain.  In think the fact that
people on this list can easily troubleshoot others setup problems, is
a good illustration why we picked this setup.  Imagine trying to do
the same with a non-strict directory structure.  Finally, if you find
yourself using paths (relative or absolute) in your aroma.affymetrix,
then you are doing something against the design.



> Currently, I do this by hand in a unix linux enviroment but for a regular
> user this would be helpful.
> -Best
> -Lax


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