Does this update also work with R-2.8.1?

Best regards

On Jun 18, 5:39 pm, Henrik Bengtsson <> wrote:
> Hi,
> update aroma.affymetrix et al. and retry.
> /Henrik
> On Thu, Jun 18, 2009 at 5:01 AM,
> cstratowa<> wrote:
> > Dear all,
> > Below I show you the relevant code fragments of my function "computeCN
> > ()" to compute copy-number regions using model CBS. This function can
> > compute copy-number regions for the usual case (reference=NULL), for
> > pairs of samples (reference="Pairs") or using reference samples
> > (reference="Reference").
> > I am using this function for a long time for 100K and 500K mapping
> > arrays w/o any problems. However for the SNP6.0 array this function
> > works only for the usual case (reference=NULL), but not for the Pairs/
> > Reference cases.
> > For SNP6.0 array and Pairs/Reference cases I get always the following
> > error message:
> > Error in this$files[[1]] : subscript out of bounds
> > Calls: computeCN ... clearCache.AffymetrixCelSet -> getCdf ->
> > getCdf.AffymetrixCelSet -> getCdf
> > Execution halted
> > Do you have any idea why I get these errors?
> > Do I have to change the code for Pairs/Reference cases, and how?
> > Here is the relevant code of function "computeCN()":
> > "computeCN" <- function(object, pheno, arrays=NULL, reference=NULL,
> > chromosomes=NULL) {
> >   ## get normalized data
> >   cesList <- effectSet(object);
> >   ## get optional reference set
> >   if (is.null(reference)) {
> >      refList <- NULL;
> >   } else if (is.character(reference)) {
> >      ## extract reference samples (and data samples if paired)
> >      refList <- list();
> >      for (chiptype in names(cesList)) {
> >         ces      <- cesList[[chiptype]];
> >         cesnames <- getNames(ces);
> >         ## get row numbers containing reference and data samples
> >         refcol <- which(pheno[,reference] == 1);
> >         datcol <- which(pheno[,reference] == 0);
> >         if (reference == "Pairs") {
> >            cesList[[chiptype]] <- extract(ces, datcol);
> >            refList[[chiptype]] <- extract(ces, refcol);
> >         } else if (reference == "Reference") {
> >            cesRef <- extract(ces, refcol);
> >            ceRef  <- getAverageFile(cesRef);
> >            ## convert single ceRef file into a set of identical files
> > of same size/length as ces
> >            numarr <- nbrOfArrays(ces);
> >            cesRef <- rep(list(ceRef), numarr);  # becomes a list of
> > CnChipEffectFile:s
> >            cesRef <- newInstance(ces, cesRef, mergeStrands=ces
> > $mergeStrands, combineAlleles=ces$combineAlleles);
> >            refList[[chiptype]] <- cesRef;
> >         }#if
> >      }#for
> >   }#if
> >   ## select model
> >   model <- CbsModel(cesList, refList);
> >   ## get index of arrays
> >   if (is.null(arrays)) {
> >      arrays <- indexOfArrays(model);
> >   } else {
> >      arrays <- which(getNames(model)==arrays);
> >   }#if
> >   ## fit model with Chromosome Explorer
> >   ce  <- ChromosomeExplorer(model, tags=tags);
> >   setParallelSafe(ce, status=TRUE); #necessary for running on cluster
> >   tmp <- process(ce, arrays=arrays, chromosomes=chromosomes,
> > force=force, verbose=verbose);
> >   ## get fitted CN regions from model
> >   cnrs <- getRegions(model, arrays=arrays, chromosomes=chromosomes,
> > organism="Human", hgVersion="hg18");
> >   return(object);
> > }#computeCN
> > Here is my sessionInfo:
> >> sessionInfo()
> > R version 2.8.1 (2008-12-22)
> > x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
> > locale:
> > C
> > attached base packages:
> > [1] tcltk     stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets
> > methods
> > [8] base
> > other attached packages:
> >  [1] biasnp_0.2.41          RODBC_1.2-5
> > aroma.affymetrix_1.0.1
> >  [4] aroma.apd_0.1.3        R.huge_0.1.6
> > affxparser_1.14.2
> >  [7] aroma.core_1.0.1       aroma.light_1.11.1
> > digest_0.3.1
> > [10] matrixStats_0.1.4      R.rsp_0.4.0
> > R.httpd_0.1.1
> > [13] R.cache_0.1.7          R.utils_1.1.3
> > R.oo_1.4.6
> > [16] R.methodsS3_1.0.3
> > Thank you in advance for your help.
> > Best regards
> > Christian
When reporting problems on aroma.affymetrix, make sure 1) to run the latest 
version of the package, 2) to report the output of sessionInfo() and 
traceback(), and 3) to post a complete code example.

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