Did you see my reply to your previous message on this?



On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 7:34 AM, gunes gundem<guguni...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am running a paired analysis for 2 tumor samples following the vignette
> for 5.0/6.0. Here is how I run it:
> gi <- getGenomeInformation(cdf)
> si <- getSnpInformation(cdf)
> cs <- AffymetrixCelSet$byName("ICGC,6.0,testSet", cdf=cdf)
> acc <- AllelicCrosstalkCalibration(cs)
> csC <- process(acc, verbose=verbose)
> plm <- AvgCnPlm(csC, mergeStrands=TRUE, combineAlleles=TRUE, shift=+300)
> if (length(findUnitsTodo(plm)) > 0) {
>    # Fit CN probes quickly (~5-10s/array + some overhead)
>   units <- fitCnProbes(plm, verbose=verbose)
>   str(units)
>   # int [1:945826] 935590 935591 935592 935593 935594 935595 ...
>   # Fit remaining units, i.e. SNPs (~5-10min/array)
>   units <- fit(plm, verbose=verbose)
>   str(units)
> }
> ces <- getChipEffectSet(plm)
> fln <- FragmentLengthNormalization(ces)
> cesN <- process(fln, verbose=verbose)
> cesC <- extract(cesN, c(1,3)) ## test arrays
> cesT <- extract(cesN, c(5,4)) ## control arrays
> cbs <- CbsModel(cesT, cesC)
> ce <- ChromosomeExplorer(cbs)
> process(ce, arrays=1, chromosomes=1, verbose=verbose)
> After this point I get the following segfault:
> 20090827 16:03:19|Generating ChromosomeExplorer report...
> 20090827 16:03:19| Setting up ChromosomeExplorer report files...
> 20090827 16:03:19|  Copying template files...
> 20090827 16:03:19|   Source path:
> /soft/lib64/R/library/aroma.core/reports/includes
> 20090827 16:03:19|   Destination path: reports/includes
> 20090827 16:03:20|  Copying template files...done
> 20090827 16:03:20| Setting up ChromosomeExplorer report files...done
> 20090827 16:03:20| Explorer output version: 3
> 20090827 16:03:20| Compiling ChromosomeExplorer.onLoad.js.rsp...
> 20090827 16:03:20|  Source:
> /soft/lib64/R/library/aroma.core/reports/templates/rsp/ChromosomeExplorer3/ChromosomeExplorer.onLoad.js.rsp
> 20090827 16:03:20|  Output path:
> reports/ICGC/6.0,testSet,ACC,ra,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B,FLN,-XY,paired
> 20090827 16:03:20|  Scanning directories for available chip types...
> 20090827 16:03:20|   Detected chip types: GenomeWideSNP_6
> 20090827 16:03:20|  Scanning directories for available chip types...done
> 20090827 16:03:20|  Scanning image files for available zooms...
> 20090827 16:03:20|   Detected (or default) zooms: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64
> 20090827 16:03:20|  Scanning image files for available zooms...done
> 20090827 16:03:20|  Scanning directory for subdirectories...
> 20090827 16:03:20|   Detected (or default) sets: cbs
> 20090827 16:03:20|  Scanning directory for subdirectories...done
> 20090827 16:03:20|  Compiling RSP...
> 20090827 16:03:20|  Compiling RSP...done
> 20090827 16:03:20| Compiling ChromosomeExplorer.onLoad.js.rsp...done
> Loading required package: Cairo
> 20090827 16:03:21| Using reference tuple:
>  ChipEffectSetTuple:
>  Name: ICGC
>  Tags: 6.0,testSet,ACC,ra,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B,FLN,-XY
>  Chip types: GenomeWideSNP_6
>  CnChipEffectSet:
>  Name: ICGC
>  Tags: 6.0,testSet,ACC,ra,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B,FLN,-XY
>  Path:
> plmData/ICGC,6.0,testSet,ACC,ra,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B,FLN,-XY/GenomeWideSNP_6
>  Platform: Affymetrix
>  Chip type: GenomeWideSNP_6,Full,monocell
>  Number of arrays: 2
>  Names: 001ND-GenomeWideSNP6, 003ND-GenomeWideSNP6
>  Time period: 2009-08-17 17:52:48 -- 2009-08-17 17:52:48
>  Total file size: 53.90MB
>  RAM: 0.01MB
>  Parameters: (probeModel: chr "pm", mergeStrands: logi TRUE, combineAlleles:
> logi TRUE)
>  RAM: 0.00MB
> 20090827 16:03:21| Chip-effect tags:
> 20090827 16:03:21| Reference tags: 5eec0710efc02dd1b5050cb04ae98a78
> 20090827 16:03:21| Array #1 ('01TD-GenomeWideSNP6') of 1 on chromosome 1...
> 20090827 16:03:21|  Loading results from file...
> 20090827 16:03:21|   Pathname:
> cbsData/ICGC,6.0,testSet,ACC,ra,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B,FLN,-XY,paired/GenomeWideSNP_6/01TD-GenomeWideSNP6,chr01,5eec0710efc02dd1b5050cb04ae98a78.xdr
> 20090827 16:03:22|   Fit object: DNAcopy
> 20090827 16:03:22|  Loading results from file...done
> 20090827 16:03:22|  Calling onFit.CopyNumberSegmentationModel() hooks...
> 20090827 16:03:22|   Plotting 01TD-GenomeWideSNP6 for chromosome 01
> [245.20MB]...
> 20090827 16:03:22|    Pathname:
> reports/ICGC/6.0,testSet,ACC,ra,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B,FLN,-XY,paired/GenomeWideSNP_6/cbs/01TD-GenomeWideSNP6,chr01,x0128.png
> 20090827 16:03:22|    Dimensions: 94258x400
> 20090827 16:03:22|    Ticks by: 0.010000
> 20090827 16:03:22|    Plotting graph...
> Loading required package: GLAD
> [1] "Have fun with GLAD"
> [1] "For smoothing it is possible to use either"
> [1] "the AWS algorithm (Polzehl and Spokoiny, 2002)"
> [1] "or the HaarSeg algorithm (Ben-Yaacov and Eldar, 2008)"
> [1] ""
> [1] "If you use the package with AWS, please cite:"
> [1] "Hupe et al. (2004) and Polzehl and Spokoiny (2002)"
> [1] ""
> [1] "If you use the package with HaarSeg, please cite:"
> [1] "Hupe et al. (2004) and (Ben-Yaacov and Eldar, 2008)"
> <simpleError in mtext(text = text, side = side, line = line, at = at, adj =
> adj,     cex = cex, ..., xpd = TRUE): Metric information not available for
> this device>
>  *** caught segfault ***
> address 0x2aaab8232000, cause 'memory not mapped'
> Traceback:
>  1: dev.off()
>  2: tryCatch({    verbose && enter(verbose, "Plotting graph")    opar <-
> par(xaxs = "r")    suppressWarnings({        newPlot(this, xlim = xlim, ylim
> = ylim, flavor = "ce",             unit = unit, ...)
> drawXAxisRuler(xrange = c(0, nbrOfBases)/10^unit, ticksBy = ticksBy)
> if (!identical(this$.plotCytoband, FALSE)) {            drawCytoband(this,
> chromosome = chromosome, unit = unit)        }        cnLevels <- c(1/2, 1,
> 3/2)        for (level in cnLevels) {            abline(h = log2(level), col
> = "blue", lty = 2)        }        rawCns <-
> extractRawCopyNumbers(fit)        verbose && print(verbose, rawCns, level =
> -50)        n <- nbrOfLoci(rawCns, na.rm = TRUE)        stext(text =
> sprintf("n=%d", n), side = 4, pos = 0, line = 0,             cex =
> 0.8)        pointsRawCNs(fit, unit = unit, ...)        cnRegions <-
> extractCopyNumberRegions(fit)        verbose && print(verbose, cnRegions,
> level = -50)        drawLevels(cnRegions, lwd = 4, col = "black", xScale =
> 1/10^unit)        drawExtraAnnotations(fit)
> onFitAddGenotypeCalls(fit, callList = callList, arrayName =
> arrayName,             resScale = 10^unit * resScale, ...)    })
> stext(chipType, side = 4, pos = 1, line = 0, cex = 0.8)    verbose &&
> exit(verbose)}, error = function(ex) {    print(ex)}, finally = {
> par(opar)    if (!imageFormat %in% c("screen", "current"))
> dev.off()})
>  3: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
>  4: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
>  5: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
>  6: tryCatch({    arrayFullName <- gsub("^(.*),chr[0-9][0-9].*$", "\\1",
> fullname)    arrayName <- gsub("^([^,]*).*$", "\\1", arrayFullName)
> nbrOfBases <- genome$nbrOfBases[chromosome]    widthMb <-
> nbrOfBases/10^unit    if (is.null(xlim)) {        xlim <- c(0,
> getChromosomeLength(chromosome))/10^unit    }    verbose && enter(verbose,
> sprintf("Plotting %s for chromosome %02d [%.2fMB]",         arrayName,
> chromosome, widthMb))    for (zz in seq(along = zooms)) {        zoom <-
> zooms[zz]        imgName <- sprintf("%s,chr%02d,x%04d.%s",
> arrayFullName,             chromosome, zoom, imageFormat)        pathname <-
> filePath(path, imgName)        pathname <- gsub(" ", "_", pathname)
> if (!imageFormat %in% c("screen", "current")) {            if (skip &&
> isFile(pathname)) {                next            }        }        ticksBy
> <- 10^ceiling(log10(pixelsPerTick/(zoom * pixelsPerMb)))        width <-
> round(zoom * widthMb * pixelsPerMb + sum(xmargin))        verbose &&
> printf(verbose, "Pathname: %s\n", pathname)        verbose &&
> printf(verbose, "Dimensions: %dx%d\n", width,             height)
> verbose && printf(verbose, "Ticks by: %f\n", ticksBy)        if
> (!is.null(plotDev))             plotDev(pathname, width = width, height =
> height)        tryCatch({            verbose && enter(verbose, "Plotting
> graph")            opar <- par(xaxs = "r")
> suppressWarnings({                newPlot(this, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
> flavor = "ce",                   unit = unit, ...)
> drawXAxisRuler(xrange = c(0, nbrOfBases)/10^unit,                   ticksBy
> = ticksBy)                if (!identical(this$.plotCytoband, FALSE))
> {                  drawCytoband(this, chromosome =
> chromosome,                     unit = unit)                }
> cnLevels <- c(1/2, 1, 3/2)                for (level in cnLevels)
> {                  abline(h = log2(level), col = "blue", lty =
> 2)                }                rawCns <-
> extractRawCopyNumbers(fit)                verbose && print(verbose, rawCns,
> level = -50)                n <- nbrOfLoci(rawCns, na.rm =
> TRUE)                stext(text = sprintf("n=%d", n), side = 4, pos =
> 0,                   line = 0, cex = 0.8)                pointsRawCNs(fit,
> unit = unit, ...)                cnRegions <-
> extractCopyNumberRegions(fit)                verbose && print(verbose,
> cnRegions, level = -50)                drawLevels(cnRegions, lwd = 4, col =
> "black",                   xScale = 1/10^unit)
> drawExtraAnnotations(fit)                onFitAddGenotypeCalls(fit, callList
> = callList,                   arrayName = arrayName, resScale = 10^unit
> *                     resScale, ...)            })
> stext(chipType, side = 4, pos = 1, line = 0, cex = 0.8)            verbose
> && exit(verbose)        }, error = function(ex) {
> print(ex)        }, finally = {            par(opar)            if
> (!imageFormat %in% c("screen", "current"))                 dev.off()
> })    }}, error = function(ex) {    cat("ERROR caught in ", hookName,
> "():\n", sep = "")    print(ex)}, finally = {    gc <- gc()    verbose &&
> print(verbose, gc)    verbose && exit(verbose)})
>  7: fcn(...)
>  8: doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
>  9: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
> 10: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
> 11: tryCatch({    result <- fcn(...)    tmp[["result"]] <- result
> failedHooks[kk] <- FALSE}, error = function(ex) {    tmp[["exception"]] <<-
> ex})
> 12: callHooks.list(hooks, ...)
> 13: callHooks(hooks, ...)
> 14: callHooks.default(hookName, fit = fit, chromosome = chr, fullname =
> fullname)
> 15: callHooks(hookName, fit = fit, chromosome = chr, fullname = fullname)
> 16: fit.CopyNumberSegmentationModel(this, ..., .retResults = FALSE,
> verbose = verbose)
> 17: fit(this, ..., .retResults = FALSE, verbose = verbose)
> 18: plot.CopyNumberSegmentationModel(model, path = path, imageFormat =
> "png",     plotband = plotband, arrays = arrays, ...)
> 19: plot(model, path = path, imageFormat = "png", plotband = plotband,
> arrays = arrays, ...)
> 20: writeGraphs.ChromosomeExplorer(this, arrays = arrays, chromosomes =
> chromosomes,     zooms = zooms, ..., verbose = less(verbose))
> 21: writeGraphs(this, arrays = arrays, chromosomes = chromosomes,     zooms
> = zooms, ..., verbose = less(verbose))
> 22: process.ChromosomeExplorer(ce, arrays = 1, chromosomes = 1, verbose =
> verbose)
> 23: process(ce, arrays = 1, chromosomes = 1, verbose = verbose)
> Possible actions:
> 1: abort (with core dump, if enabled)
> 2: normal R exit
> 3: exit R without saving workspace
> 4: exit R saving workspace
> Selection: 2
> Save workspace image? [y/n/c]: c
>                used (Mb) gc trigger (Mb) max used (Mb)
>      Ncells  379904 20.3     667722 35.7   626840 33.5
>      Vcells 2264224 17.3    5329055 40.7  7803825 59.6
> 20090827 16:03:33|    Plotting graph...done
> 20090827 16:03:33|   Plotting 01TD-GenomeWideSNP6 for chromosome 01
> [245.20MB]...done
> 20090827 16:03:33|  Calling onFit.CopyNumberSegmentationModel() hooks...done
> 20090827 16:03:33| Array #1 ('01TD-GenomeWideSNP6') of 1 on chromosome
> 1...done
> 20090827 16:03:33|Generating ChromosomeExplorer report...done
> Here is my session info:
> R version 2.9.0 (2009-04-17)
> x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
> locale:
> attached base packages:
> [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base
> other attached packages:
>  [1] GLAD_2.0.0             Cairo_1.4-5            DNAcopy_1.18.0
>  [4] aroma.affymetrix_1.1.0 aroma.apd_0.1.6        R.huge_0.1.8
>  [7] affxparser_1.16.0      aroma.core_1.1.2       aroma.light_1.12.2
> [10] matrixStats_0.1.6      R.rsp_0.3.4            R.filesets_0.5.2
> [13] digest_0.3.1           R.cache_0.1.7          R.utils_1.1.7
> [16] R.oo_1.4.8             R.methodsS3_1.0.3
> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
> [1] RColorBrewer_1.0-2 tools_2.9.0
> I checked the folder
> "reports/ICGC/6.0,testSet,ACC,ra,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B,FLN,-XY,paired/GenomeWideSNP_6/cbs/".
> 8 png files are generated for chr1, all of which except the one fore 128X
> are OK. The last one is corrupt.Following a suggestion given before, I
> deleted the folder
> "reports/ICGC/6.0,testSet,ACC,ra,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B,FLN,-XY,paired" and re-run
> the same script.This time R quited by itself. What could be the problem?
> Here is the second error by the way:
> 20090827 16:22:42|Generating ChromosomeExplorer report...
> 20090827 16:22:42| Setting up ChromosomeExplorer report files...
> 20090827 16:22:42|  Copying template files...
> 20090827 16:22:42|   Source path:
> /soft/lib64/R/library/aroma.core/reports/includes
> 20090827 16:22:42|   Destination path: reports/includes
> 20090827 16:22:42|  Copying template files...done
> 20090827 16:22:42| Setting up ChromosomeExplorer report files...done
> 20090827 16:22:42| Copying ChromosomeExplorer.html...
> 20090827 16:22:42|  Source pathname:
> /soft/lib64/R/library/aroma.core/reports/templates/html/ChromosomeExplorer/ChromosomeExplorer.html
> 20090827 16:22:42|  Destination pathname:
> reports/ICGC/6.0,testSet,ACC,ra,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B,FLN,-XY,paired/ChromosomeExplorer.html
> 20090827 16:22:43| Copying ChromosomeExplorer.html...done
> 20090827 16:22:43| Explorer output version: 3
> 20090827 16:22:43| Compiling ChromosomeExplorer.onLoad.js.rsp...
> 20090827 16:22:43|  Source:
> /soft/lib64/R/library/aroma.core/reports/templates/rsp/ChromosomeExplorer3/ChromosomeExplorer.onLoad.js.rsp
> 20090827 16:22:43|  Output path:
> reports/ICGC/6.0,testSet,ACC,ra,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B,FLN,-XY,paired
> 20090827 16:22:43|  Scanning directories for available chip types...
> 20090827 16:22:43|   Detected chip types: GenomeWideSNP_6
> 20090827 16:22:43|  Scanning directories for available chip types...done
> 20090827 16:22:43|  Scanning image files for available zooms...
> 20090827 16:22:43|   Detected (or default) zooms: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64,
> 128
> 20090827 16:22:43|  Scanning image files for available zooms...done
> 20090827 16:22:43|  Scanning directory for subdirectories...
> 20090827 16:22:43|   Detected (or default) sets: cbs
> 20090827 16:22:43|  Scanning directory for subdirectories...done
> 20090827 16:22:43|  Compiling RSP...
> 20090827 16:22:43|  Compiling RSP...done
> 20090827 16:22:43| Compiling ChromosomeExplorer.onLoad.js.rsp...done
> 20090827 16:22:43| Using reference tuple:
>  ChipEffectSetTuple:
>  Name: ICGC
>  Tags: 6.0,testSet,ACC,ra,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B,FLN,-XY
>  Chip types: GenomeWideSNP_6
>  CnChipEffectSet:
>  Name: ICGC
>  Tags: 6.0,testSet,ACC,ra,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B,FLN,-XY
>  Path:
> plmData/ICGC,6.0,testSet,ACC,ra,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B,FLN,-XY/GenomeWideSNP_6
>  Platform: Affymetrix
>  Chip type: GenomeWideSNP_6,Full,monocell
>  Number of arrays: 2
>  Names: 001ND-GenomeWideSNP6, 003ND-GenomeWideSNP6
>  Time period: 2009-08-17 17:52:48 -- 2009-08-17 17:52:48
>  Total file size: 53.90MB
>  RAM: 0.01MB
>  Parameters: (probeModel: chr "pm", mergeStrands: logi TRUE, combineAlleles:
> logi TRUE)
>  RAM: 0.00MB
> 20090827 16:22:43| Chip-effect tags:
> 20090827 16:22:43| Reference tags: 5eec0710efc02dd1b5050cb04ae98a78
> 20090827 16:22:43| Array #1 ('01TD-GenomeWideSNP6') of 1 on chromosome 1...
> 20090827 16:22:43|  Loading results from file...
> 20090827 16:22:43|   Pathname:
> cbsData/ICGC,6.0,testSet,ACC,ra,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B,FLN,-XY,paired/GenomeWideSNP_6/01TD-GenomeWideSNP6,chr01,5eec0710efc02dd1b5050cb04ae98a78.xdr
> 20090827 16:22:43|   Fit object: DNAcopy
> 20090827 16:22:43|  Loading results from file...done
> 20090827 16:22:43|  Calling onFit.CopyNumberSegmentationModel() hooks...
> 20090827 16:22:43|   Plotting 01TD-GenomeWideSNP6 for chromosome 01
> [245.20MB]...
> 20090827 16:22:43|    Pathname:
> reports/ICGC/6.0,testSet,ACC,ra,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B,FLN,-XY,paired/GenomeWideSNP_6/cbs/01TD-GenomeWideSNP6,chr01,x0001.png
> 20090827 16:22:43|    Dimensions: 836x400
> 20090827 16:22:43|    Ticks by: 1.000000
> 20090827 16:22:43|    Plotting graph...
> <simpleError in mtext(text = text, side = side, line = line, at = at, adj =
> adj,     cex = cex, ..., xpd = TRUE): Metric information not available for
> this device>
> 20090827 16:22:44|     Pathname:
> reports/ICGC/6.0,testSet,ACC,ra,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B,FLN,-XY,paired/GenomeWideSNP_6/cbs/01TD-GenomeWideSNP6,chr01,x0002.png
> 20090827 16:22:44|     Dimensions: 1571x400
> 20090827 16:22:44|     Ticks by: 1.000000
> 20090827 16:22:44|     Plotting graph...
> <simpleError in mtext(text = text, side = side, line = line, at = at, adj =
> adj,     cex = cex, ..., xpd = TRUE): Metric information not available for
> this device>
> 20090827 16:22:44|      Pathname:
> reports/ICGC/6.0,testSet,ACC,ra,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B,FLN,-XY,paired/GenomeWideSNP_6/cbs/01TD-GenomeWideSNP6,chr01,x0004.png
> 20090827 16:22:44|      Dimensions: 3042x400
> 20090827 16:22:44|      Ticks by: 1.000000
> 20090827 16:22:44|      Plotting graph...
> <simpleError in mtext(text = text, side = side, line = line, at = at, adj =
> adj,     cex = cex, ..., xpd = TRUE): Metric information not available for
> this device>
> 20090827 16:22:45|       Pathname:
> reports/ICGC/6.0,testSet,ACC,ra,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B,FLN,-XY,paired/GenomeWideSNP_6/cbs/01TD-GenomeWideSNP6,chr01,x0008.png
> 20090827 16:22:45|       Dimensions: 5985x400
> 20090827 16:22:45|       Ticks by: 1.000000
> 20090827 16:22:45|       Plotting graph...
> <simpleError in mtext(text = text, side = side, line = line, at = at, adj =
> adj,     cex = cex, ..., xpd = TRUE): Metric information not available for
> this device>
> 20090827 16:22:46|        Pathname:
> reports/ICGC/6.0,testSet,ACC,ra,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B,FLN,-XY,paired/GenomeWideSNP_6/cbs/01TD-GenomeWideSNP6,chr01,x0016.png
> 20090827 16:22:46|        Dimensions: 11870x400
> 20090827 16:22:46|        Ticks by: 0.100000
> 20090827 16:22:46|        Plotting graph...
> <simpleError in mtext(text = text, side = side, line = line, at = at, adj =
> adj,     cex = cex, ..., xpd = TRUE): Metric information not available for
> this device>
> 20090827 16:22:48|         Pathname:
> reports/ICGC/6.0,testSet,ACC,ra,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B,FLN,-XY,paired/GenomeWideSNP_6/cbs/01TD-GenomeWideSNP6,chr01,x0032.png
> 20090827 16:22:48|         Dimensions: 23640x400
> 20090827 16:22:48|         Ticks by: 0.100000
> 20090827 16:22:48|         Plotting graph...
> <simpleError in mtext(text = text, side = side, line = line, at = at, adj =
> adj,     cex = cex, ..., xpd = TRUE): Metric information not available for
> this device>
> 20090827 16:22:50|          Pathname:
> reports/ICGC/6.0,testSet,ACC,ra,-XY,AVG,+300,A+B,FLN,-XY,paired/GenomeWideSNP_6/cbs/01TD-GenomeWideSNP6,chr01,x0064.png
> 20090827 16:22:50|          Dimensions: 47179x400
> 20090827 16:22:50|          Ticks by: 0.100000
> 20090827 16:22:50|          Plotting graph...
> <simpleError in mtext(text = text, side = side, line = line, at = at, adj =
> adj,     cex = cex, ..., xpd = TRUE): Metric information not available for
> this device>
> Segmentation fault
> >

When reporting problems on aroma.affymetrix, make sure 1) to run the latest 
version of the package, 2) to report the output of sessionInfo() and 
traceback(), and 3) to post a complete code example.

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