Hi, Mark:
The other question i have is that even if I use the existing CDF file,
some of the gene expression or probe level expressions are really low,
like 1.1. It seemed to me t hat they are just too low. These were
obtained after the background normalization etc. Is there any way that
I can tell whether they are just background noise? I used



On Sep 2, 6:17 pm, Mark Robinson <mrobin...@wehi.edu.au> wrote:
> Hi Sabrina.
> Hmm, that does seem unexpected.  I would expect that if there are just  
> a few probes picked out, it shouldn't change that much.
> Can you give more details about this new CDF you made?  Would it be  
> similar to the existing 'core' CDF?  Presumably, there will be a large  
> overlap with the existing CDF.  Can you verify this?  And, give some  
> numbers on this.  A few things like: total number of probes for each  
> CDF, for a given unit does it have a large overlap of probes, etc.
> The one thing that comes to mind is that maybe you've included a bunch  
> of the 'full' or 'extended' probes in your new CDF and this would  
> likely lower the average.
> Cheers,
> Mark
> On 3-Sep-09, at 5:07 AM, sabrina shao wrote:
> > Hi, all
> > I am working on mouse Exon arrays from Affy. Because there are probes
> > with multiple hits on the genome, I screened out these probes and
> > exons with only one probe and transcript clusters with one exon on the
> > array. After that I created a CDF file as illustrated from this group.
> > My problems is: when I checked the probe level expressions (not gene
> > expression) , the average is about 4.5 , and the gene expression level
> > ( not surprisingly) is about similar level. And the smallest probe
> > level was about 1.1.  I also used the CDF file I downloaded from aroma
> > here, using the same program, I got the gene expression level around
> > 6.2. That is about 1.7 fold change. and the results from the new CDF
> > that I created was just too low. I can't figure it out why. Can anyone
> > give me some suggestions and hints? Thanks
> > Sabrina
> ------------------------------
> Mark Robinson, PhD (Melb)
> Epigenetics Laboratory, Garvan
> Bioinformatics Division, WEHI
> e: m.robin...@garvan.org.au
> e: mrobin...@wehi.edu.au
> p: +61 (0)3 9345 2628
> f: +61 (0)3 9347 0852
> ------------------------------
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