
thanks for the comments.

> Just so we are one the same page, deleting .Rcache/ directory does not
> make R consume more memory, but rather less.  

To clarify, deleting of the cached files was not done due to the
memory issues per se, but because the processing sometimes was
stalling apparently due to corrupt / damaged cache files ("could not
read file ..."; no specifics logged by me).

> There are some data structures that are stored locally (memory cache)
> and it might be that they some how adds up, but they shouldn't.

I originally though it might depend on the kernel's address space
management (occasional process monitoring never showed R itself
running >3Gb); however, with 64bit R + system I now have seen max.
process memory >4.5Gb when running signal normalization.

> Next time, it would be great if you could provide a traceback on the
> memory error message and the exact script up until and including the
> step where you run out of memory.

Though I cannot find it in the archives, malloc errors had been
discussed previously? I have converted all production machines to
64bit, and so far did not encounter a single error. I will try to
force one on my laptop ;-)


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