Hi, All;

I have a simple question: What's the best way of performing multiple
processing jobs of the same platform (Affymetrix SNP chips)?

My concerns are as follows: (1) Many of the jobs involving Affymetrix SNP
chips may access files in annotationData and it may result in conflict due
to multiple jobs trying to access the same files in annotationData at the
same time.
Is this the case and is there any safeguard for this?
If this is the real possibility, then what is the best way of avoiding this
kind of trouble?
(2) Many (or most) of the jobs produce lots of intermediate files in
probeData/plmData folders, requiring many disk accessing and it seems like
this takes up a lot of computational resources of the machine, slowing down
other jobs.
Is this just my impression or is it what's really going on?
If this is the case, is it unavoidable and something to put up with or is
there any way to get around with this?

Thanks in advance,

Tae-Hoon Chung, PhD

When reporting problems on aroma.affymetrix, make sure 1) to run the latest 
version of the package, 2) to report the output of sessionInfo() and 
traceback(), and 3) to post a complete code example.

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