
First of all, I have to say I've got tremendous help from this mailing list, 
thank you for all of you.
Then I have to continue asking for help, 
I just realize I probably did something very stupid,
I was doing DNA copy number segmentation, affymetrix 100k SNP, so as far as I 
know there are two chips, one chip is obtained by digesting the DNA with Hind, 
the other chip by Xba.Chip, so in my rawdata folder , I got the .CEL file from 
both, but in the annotationData folder, sub folder :type, I only got  
Mapping50K_Hind240,and .cdf file, .ufl, ugp file for hind.
My question is, Should I firstly split the .cel file accoding to the chip type 
and then found the corresponding cdf file etc for Xba.

Many thanks


-----Original Message-----
From: aroma-affymetrix@googlegroups.com 
[mailto:aroma-affymet...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Henrik Bengtsson
Sent: 03 December 2010 07:50
To: aroma-affymetrix
Subject: Re: [aroma.affymetrix] Help Regarding GCRMA Human Exon.


On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 12:08 PM, Prithish Banerjee
<prithish.baner...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Respected Dr Bengtsson,
> I have the following codes and outputs:
>> source("http://aroma-project.org/hbLite.R";);
>> hbInstall("aroma.affymetrix")

I'll assume that you've run this recently so that you have
aroma.affymetrix v1.8.0 installed, because then you can do what I
explain next.  FYI, whenever you get an error, please report what
sessionInfo() gives so we can be sure you're up-to-date.

Go to the HuEx-1_0-st-v2 chip type page:


and download the Aroma Cell Sequence (ACS) file.  Place it in
annotationData/chipTypes/HuEx-1_0-st-v2/ (where your CDF is).  Don't
forget to gunzip.

You can drop/move/leave the probe-tab file; it won't be needed anymore.

The following script should do:

verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(-10, timestamp=TRUE);
dataSet <- "Exon Data";
chipType <- "HuEx-1_0-st-v2";
cdf <- AffymetrixCdfFile$byChipType(chipType,tags="fullR3,A20071112,EP");

# Assert that the ACS file is available (not really needed to be done)
acs <- getAromaCellSequenceFile(cdf);

# GCRMA background correction
bc <- GcRmaBackgroundCorrection(csR, type="affinities");
csB <- process(bc, verbose=verbose);

Finally, I've noticed that you've tried to pass arguments 'cdf' and
'ptf' to process(), i.e.

csB <- process(bc, cdf=cdf, ptf=ptf, verbose=verbose);

That is not correct.  Was that suggested to you anywhere, or is it
just part of your trial-and-error?

Let me know if this solves your problem


>> verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(-10, timestamp=TRUE);
>> dataSet <- "Exon Data"
>> chipType <- "HuEx-1_0-st-v2"
>> cdf <- AffymetrixCdfFile$byChipType(chipType,tags="fullR3,A20071112,EP")
>> print(cdf)
> AffymetrixCdfFile:
> Path: annotationData/chipTypes/HuEx-1_0-st-v2
> Filename: HuEx-1_0-st-v2,fullR3,A20071112,EP.cdf
> Filesize: 203.31MB
> Chip type: HuEx-1_0-st-v2,fullR3,A20071112,EP
> RAM: 0.00MB
> File format: v4 (binary; XDA)
> Dimension: 2560x2560
> Number of cells: 6553600
> Number of units: 297051
> Cells per unit: 22.06
> Number of QC units: 1
>> ptf <- AffymetrixProbeTabFile$byChipType(chipType);
>> print(ptf)
> AffymetrixProbeTabFile:
> Name: HuEx-1_0-st-v2
> Tags:
> Full name: HuEx-1_0-st-v2
> Pathname: annotationData/chipTypes/HuEx-1_0-st-v2/HuEx-1_0-st-v2.probe.tab
> File size: 527.80 MB (553438704 bytes)
> RAM: 0.01 MB
> Number of data rows: NA
> Columns [12]: 'probeID', 'probeSetID', 'probeXPos', 'probeYPos', 'assembly',
> 'seqname', 'start', 'stop', 'strand', 'probeSequence', 'targetStrandedness',
> 'category'
> Number of text lines: NA
> AffymetrixCdfFile:
> Path: annotationData/chipTypes/HuEx-1_0-st-v2
> Filename: HuEx-1_0-st-v2,coreR3,A20071112,EP.cdf
> Filesize: 38.25MB
> Chip type: HuEx-1_0-st-v2,coreR3,A20071112,EP
> RAM: 0.00MB
> File format: v4 (binary; XDA)
> Dimension: 2560x2560
> Number of cells: 6553600
> Number of units: 18708
> Cells per unit: 350.31
> Number of QC units: 1
>> csR <- AffymetrixCelSet$byName(dataSet, chipType=chipType,cdf=cdf)
>> print(csR)
> AffymetrixCelSet:
> Name: Exon Data
> Tags:
> Path: rawData/Exon Data/HuEx-1_0-st-v2
> Platform: Affymetrix
> Chip type: HuEx-1_0-st-v2,fullR3,A20071112,EP
> Number of arrays: 17
> Names: 10_5N, 11_6T, ..., 9_5T
> Time period: 2005-05-25 15:34:12 -- 2005-05-26 07:49:40
> Total file size: 1081.22MB
> RAM: 0.02MB
>> bc <- GcRmaBackgroundCorrection(csR, type="affinities")
>> print(bc)
> GcRmaBackgroundCorrection:
> Data set: Exon Data
> Input tags:
> User tags: *
> Asterisk ('*') tags: GRBC
> Output tags: GRBC
> Number of files: 17 (1081.22MB)
> Platform: Affymetrix
> Chip type: HuEx-1_0-st-v2,fullR3,A20071112,EP
> Algorithm parameters: (subsetToUpdate: NULL, typesToUpdate: chr "pm",
> indicesNegativeControl: NULL, affinities: NULL, type: chr "affinities",
> opticalAdjust: logi TRUE, gsbAdjust: logi TRUE, gsbParameters: NULL)
> Output path: probeData/Exon Data,GRBC/HuEx-1_0-st-v2
> Is done: FALSE
> RAM: 0.00MB
>> csB <- process(bc, cdf=cdf, ptf=ptf, verbose=verbose)
> 20101202 14:46:02|Background correcting data set...
> 20101202 14:46:02| Computing probe affinities (independent of data)...
> 20101202 14:46:03|  Computing GCRMA probe affinities...
> 20101202 14:46:03|   Chip type: HuEx-1_0-st-v2
> 20101202 14:46:03|   Number of units: 297051
> 20101202 14:46:03|   Locating the cell sequence annotation data file...
> 20101202 14:46:03|   Locating the cell sequence annotation data file...done
> 20101202 14:46:03|  Computing GCRMA probe affinities...done
> 20101202 14:46:03|  Computing GCRMA probe affinities...
> 20101202 14:46:03|   Number of units: 297051
> 20101202 14:46:03|   Identify PMs and MMs among the CDF cell indices...
>      logi [1:5270074] TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE TRUE ...
>        Mode    TRUE    NA's
>     logical 5270074       0
> 20101202 14:46:52|    MMs are defined as non-PMs
> 20101202 14:46:52|    Number of PMs: 5270074
> 20101202 14:46:52|    Number of MMs: 0
> 20101202 14:46:52|   Identify PMs and MMs among the CDF cell indices...done
> 20101202 14:46:52|   Reading probe-sequence data...
> 20101202 14:46:52|    Retrieving probe-sequence data...
> 20101202 14:46:52|     Chip type (full): HuEx-1_0-st-v2,fullR3,A20071112,EP
> 20101202 14:46:52|     Locating probe-tab file...
> 20101202 14:46:52|      Chip type: HuEx-1_0-st-v2
>       AffymetrixProbeTabFile:
>       Name: HuEx-1_0-st-v2
>       Tags:
>       Full name: HuEx-1_0-st-v2
>       Pathname:
> annotationData/chipTypes/HuEx-1_0-st-v2/HuEx-1_0-st-v2.probe.tab
>       File size: 527.80 MB (553438704 bytes)
>       RAM: 0.01 MB
>       Number of data rows: NA
>       Columns [12]: 'probeID', 'probeSetID', 'probeXPos', 'probeYPos',
> 'assembly', 'seqname', 'start', 'stop', 'strand', 'probeSequence',
> 'targetStrandedness', 'category'
>       Number of text lines: NA
>       AffymetrixCdfFile:
>       Path: annotationData/chipTypes/HuEx-1_0-st-v2
>       Filename: HuEx-1_0-st-v2,coreR3,A20071112,EP.cdf
>       Filesize: 38.25MB
>       Chip type: HuEx-1_0-st-v2,coreR3,A20071112,EP
>       RAM: 0.00MB
>       File format: v4 (binary; XDA)
>       Dimension: 2560x2560
>       Number of cells: 6553600
>       Number of units: 18708
>       Cells per unit: 350.31
>       Number of QC units: 1
> 20101202 14:46:52|     Locating probe-tab file...done
> 20101202 14:46:52|     Validating probe-tab file against CDF...
> 20101202 14:46:52|      Number of records read: 1
> 20101202 14:46:52|      Data read:
>       'data.frame': 1 obs. of  1 variable:
>        $ probeSetID: chr "2315101"
>        - attr(*, "fileHeader")=List of 6
>         ..$ comments: NULL
>         ..$ sep     : chr "\t"
>         ..$ quote   : chr "\""
>         ..$ skip    : num 0
>         ..$ topRows :List of 10
>         .. ..$ : chr  "Probe ID" "Probe Set ID" "probe x" "probe y" ...
>         .. ..$ : chr  "494998" "2315101" "917" "193" ...
>         .. ..$ : chr  "1734213" "2315101" "1092" "677" ...
>         .. ..$ : chr  "4767517" "2315101" "796" "1862" ...
>         .. ..$ : chr  "4286427" "2315101" "986" "1674" ...
>         .. ..$ : chr  "5760145" "2315102" "144" "2250" ...
>         .. ..$ : chr  "671410" "2315102" "689" "262" ...
>         .. ..$ : chr  "4275780" "2315102" "579" "1670" ...
>         .. ..$ : chr  "4293462" "2315102" "341" "1677" ...
>         .. ..$ : chr  "5388" "2315103" "267" "2" ...
>         ..$ columns : chr  "Probe ID" "Probe Set ID" "probe x" "probe y" ...
> 20101202 14:46:52|      Unit name:
>        chr "2315101"
> 20101202 14:46:55|      Unit index: NA
> Error in list(`process(bc, cdf = cdf, ptf = ptf, verbose = verbose)` =
> <environment>,  :
> [2010-12-02 14:46:55] Exception: Failed to identify CDF unit with unit name
> '2315101': annotationData/chipTypes/HuEx-1_0-st-v2/HuEx-1_0-st-v2.probe.tab
>   at throw(Exception(...))
>   at throw.default("Failed to identify CDF unit with unit name '", unitNa
>   at throw("Failed to identify CDF unit with unit name '", unitName, "':
>   at getProbeSequenceData.AffymetrixCdfFile(this, safe = safe, verbose =
>   at getProbeSequenceData(this, safe = safe, verbose = verbose)
>   at computeAffinities.AffymetrixCdfFile(cdf, paths = probePath, ..., ver
>   at computeAffinities(cdf, paths = probePath, ..., verbose = less(verbos
>   at bgAdjustGcrma.AffymetrixCelSet(NA, path = "probeData/Exon Data,GRBC/
>   at bgAdjustGcrma(NA, path = "probeData/Exon Data,GRBC/HuEx-1_0-st-v2",
>   at do.call("bgAdjustGcrma", args = args)
>   at process.GcRmaBackgroundCorrection(bc, cdf = cdf, ptf = ptf, verbose
>   at process(bc, cdf = cdf, ptf = ptf, verbose = verbose)
> 20101202 14:46:55|     Validating probe-tab file against CDF...done
> 20101202 14:46:55|    Retrieving probe-sequence data...done
> 20101202 14:46:55|   Reading probe-sequence data...done
> 20101202 14:46:55|  Computing GCRMA probe affinities...done
> 20101202 14:46:55| Computing probe affinities (independent of data)...done
> 20101202 14:46:55|Background correcting data set...done
> Could you please tell me how to rectify the error?
> Thank you.
> Prithish Banerjee,
> Graduate Research Assistant,
> Department of Statistics,
> West Virginia University.
> --
> When reporting problems on aroma.affymetrix, make sure 1) to run the latest
> version of the package, 2) to report the output of sessionInfo() and
> traceback(), and 3) to post a complete code example.
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
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> To post to this group, send email to aroma-affymetrix@googlegroups.com
> To unsubscribe and other options, go to http://www.aroma-project.org/forum/

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