Hi Hendrik,

it works now without error messages! Thanks!

The chromosome explorer looks fine except for chromosomes > 19. There
are links for chromosomes 20,21,22 and X in the navigation bar that do
not work (since mice do not have chr. 20,21,22). Y and M are not
linked. I read in this forum that the links currently are "hard
coded". However, this is not a big problem for me.


On Dec 8, 1:37 am, Henrik Bengtsson <henrik.bengts...@aroma-
project.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> it looks like the patch wasn't applied.  I've actually committed the
> bug fix to CRAN where aroma.core v1.8.1 is now available.  If you do
> source("http://aroma-project.org/hbLite.R";);
> hbInstall("aroma.affymetrix");
> that one should install (and any patches will be dropped).
> Let me know if you still have problems
> /Henrik
> On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 4:54 AM, Hans-Ulrich
> <hans-ulrich.kl...@uni-muenster.de> wrote:
> > Hi Hendrik,
> > I installed the patches and removed the report and the cbs folder.
> > Then, I run the segmentation and the chromosome explorer again. I got
> > the same/similar error message (see below). The error occured when
> > processing the second sample so the first one seems to run without
> > problems.
> > Can I run the chromosome explorer and exclude chromosome 25?
> > Regards,
> > Hans-Ulrich
> > 20101206 12:53:52|  Plotting S2 for chromosome 24 [NAMB]...done
> > 20101206 12:53:52| Calling onFit.CopyNumberSegmentationModel()
> > hooks...done
> > 20101206 12:53:52|Array #2 ('S2') of 4 on chromosome 24...done
> > 20101206 12:53:52|Array #2 ('S2') of 4 on chromosome 25...
> > 20101206 12:53:52| Loading results from file...
> > 20101206 12:53:52|  Pathname: cbsData/Koschmieder,ACC,ra,-XY,BPN,-
> > XY,RMA,A+B,FLN,-XY,paired/MOUSEDIVm520650/
> > S2,chr25,9012c8079b8a75fe8fc388ca02bfb65e.xdr
> > 20101206 12:53:52|  Fit object: DNAcopy
> > 20101206 12:53:52| Loading results from file...done
> > 20101206 12:53:52| Calling onFit.CopyNumberSegmentationModel()
> > hooks...
> > ERROR caught in onFit.CopyNumberSegmentationModel():
> > [2010-12-06 12:53:53] Exception: Cannot infer number of bases in
> > chromosome. No such chromosome: 25
> >  at throw(Exception(...))
> >  at throw.default("Cannot infer number of bases in chromosome. No
> > such chromoso
> >  at throw("Cannot infer number of bases in chromosome. No such
> > chromosome: ", c
> >  at getChromosomeLength(chromosome)
> >  at doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
> >  at tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1]])
> >  at tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
> >  at tryCatch({
> >  at fcn(...)
> >  at doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv, handler)
> >  at tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1]])
> >  at tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
> >  at tryCatch({
> >  at callHooks.list(hooks, ...)
> >  at callHooks(hooks, ...)
> >  at callHooks.default(hookName, fit = fit, chromosome = chr, fullname
> > = fullnam
> >  at callHooks(hookName, fit = fit, chromosome = chr, fullname =
> > fullname)
> >  at fit.CopyNumberSegmentationModel(this, ..., .retResults = FALSE,
> > verbose = v
> >  at fit(this, ..., .retResults = FALSE, verbose = verbose)
> >  at plot.CopyNumberSegmentationModel(model, path = path, imageFormat
> > = "png", p
> >  at plot(model, path = path, imageFormat = "png", plotband =
> > plotband, arrays =
> >  at writeGraphs.ChromosomeExplorer(this, arrays = arrays, chromosomes
> > = chromos
> >  at writeGraphs(this, arrays = arrays, chromosomes = chromosomes,
> > zooms = zooms
> >  at process.ChromosomeExplorer(ce, verbose = verbose)
> >  at process(ce, verbose = verbose)
> >            used (Mb) gc trigger  (Mb) max used   (Mb)
> >  Ncells 1178686   63    4079505 217.9 26615696 1421.5
> >  Vcells 1568318   12    4818496  36.8 41974408  320.3
> > 20101206 12:53:53| Calling onFit.CopyNumberSegmentationModel()
> > hooks...done
> > 20101206 12:53:53|Calling onFit.CopyNumberSegmentationModel()
> > hooks...done
> > Error in list(`process(ce, verbose = verbose)` = <environment>,
> > `process.ChromosomeExplorer(ce, verbose = verbose)` =
> > <environment>,  :
> > [2010-12-06 12:53:53] Exception: Cannot exit(): Argument 'indent'
> > makes 'indentPos' negative: -1
> >  at throw(Exception(...))
> >  at throw.default("Cannot exit(): Argument 'indent' makes 'indentPos'
> > negative:
> >  at throw("Cannot exit(): Argument 'indent' makes 'indentPos'
> > negative: ", this
> >  at exit.Verbose(verbose)
> >  at exit(verbose)
> >  at fit.CopyNumberSegmentationModel(this, ..., .retResults = FALSE,
> > verbose = v
> >  at fit(this, ..., .retResults = FALSE, verbose = verbose)
> >  at plot.CopyNumberSegmentationModel(model, path = path, imageFormat
> > = "png", p
> >  at plot(model, path = path, imageFormat = "png", plotband =
> > plotband, arrays =
> >  at writeGraphs.ChromosomeExplorer(this, arrays = arrays, chromosomes
> > = chromos
> >  at writeGraphs(this, arrays = arrays, chromosomes = chromosomes,
> > zooms = zooms
> >  at process.ChromosomeExplorer(ce, verbose = verbose)
> >  at process(ce, verbose = verbose)
> > Error in list(`process(ce, verbose = verbose)` = <environment>,
> > `process.ChromosomeExplorer(ce, verbose = verbose)` =
> > <environment>,  :
> > [2010-12-06 12:53:53] Exception: Cannot exit(): Argument 'indent'
> > makes 'indentPos' negative: -1
> >  at throw(Exception(...))
> >  at throw.default("Cannot exit(): Argument 'indent' makes 'indentPos'
> > negative:
> >  at throw("Cannot exit(): Argument 'indent' makes 'indentPos'
> > negative: ", this
> >  at exit.Verbose(this)
> >  at exit(this)
> >  at popState.Verbose(verbose)
> >  at popState(verbose)
> >  at throw.Exception(Exception(...))
> >  at throw(Exception(...))
> >  at throw.default("Cannot exit(): Argument 'indent' makes 'indentPos'
> > negative:
> >  at throw("Cannot exit(): Argument 'indent' makes 'indentPos'
> > negative: ", this
> >  at exit.Verbose(verbose)
> >  at exit(verbose)
> >  at fit.CopyNumberSegmentationModel(this, ..., .retResults = FALSE,
> > verbose = v
> >  at fit(this, ..., .retResults = FALSE, verbose = verbose)
> >  at plot.CopyNumberSegmentationModel(model, path = path, imageFormat
> > = "png", p
> >  at plot(model, path = path, imageFormat = "png", plotband =
> > plotband, arrays =
> >  at writeGraphs.ChromosomeExplore
> > 20101206 12:53:53|Generating ChromosomeExplorer report...done
> > On Dec 3, 8:09 am, Henrik Bengtsson <henrik.bengts...@aroma-
> > project.org> wrote:
> >> Hi,
> >> I could reproduce this error (also on the Human genome when trying to
> >> generate CE plots for Chr25).  It's a bug, which I have patched (until
> >> next release).  Run the following and the patches will be installed
> >> too:
> >> source("http://aroma-project.org/hbLite.R";);
> >> hbInstall("aroma.affymetrix");
> >> Let me know if it solves your problem.
> >> /Henrik
> >> On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 2:28 PM, Hans-Ulrich
> >> <hans-ulrich.kl...@uni-muenster.de> wrote:
> >> > Sorry, I forgot that:
> >> >> sessionInfo()
> >> > R version 2.12.0 (2010-10-15)
> >> > Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
> >> > locale:
> >> > [1] C
> >> > attached base packages:
> >> > [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods
> >> > base
> >> > other attached packages:
> >> >  [1] Cairo_1.4-5            RColorBrewer_1.0-2
> >> > DNAcopy_1.24.0
> >> >  [4] preprocessCore_1.12.0  sfit_0.1.9
> >> > aroma.affymetrix_1.8.1
> >> >  [7] aroma.apd_0.1.7        affxparser_1.22.0
> >> > R.huge_0.2.0
> >> > [10] aroma.core_1.8.0       aroma.light_1.18.2
> >> > matrixStats_0.2.2
> >> > [13] R.rsp_0.4.0            R.cache_0.3.0
> >> > R.filesets_0.9.1
> >> > [16] digest_0.4.2           R.utils_1.5.8
> >> > R.oo_1.7.4
> >> > [19] R.methodsS3_1.2.1
> >> > loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
> >> > [1] tools_2.12.0
> >> > Warning message:
> >> > 'DESCRIPTION' file has 'Encoding' field and re-encoding is not
> >> > possible
> >> > Regards,
> >> > Hans-Ulrich
> >> > On Dec 1, 6:44 pm, Henrik Bengtsson <henrik.bengts...@aroma-
> >> > project.org> wrote:
> >> >> Hi,
> >> >> before anything else, are you running the latest aroma.affymetrix
> >> >> (v1.8.0), i.e. what's your sessionInfo()?
> >> >> /Henrik
> >> >> On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 9:32 AM, Hans-Ulrich
> >> >> <hans-ulrich.kl...@uni-muenster.de> wrote:
> >> >> > Hi Hendrik,
> >> >> > I created a file for the mouse genome. However, I still get an error
> >> >> > message:
> >> >> >> cbs = CbsModel(cesNSamples, cesNControls, genome="Mouse")
> >> >> >> df <- getGenomeData(cbs, verbose=verbose)
> >> >> > 20101201 14:44:53|Reading genome chromosome annotation file...
> >> >> > 20101201 14:44:53| Searching for the file...
> >> >> > 20101201 14:44:54| Searching for the file...done
> >> >> > 20101201 14:44:54| Reading data file...
> >> >> > 20101201 14:44:54|  Pathname: annotationData/genomes/Mouse/
> >> >> > Mouse,chromosomes.txt
> >> >> > 20101201 14:44:54| Reading data file...done
> >> >> > 20101201 14:44:54| Translating chromosome names...
> >> >> > 20101201 14:44:54| Translating chromosome names...done
> >> >> > 20101201 14:44:54|Reading genome chromosome annotation file...done
> >> >> >> df
> >> >> >   nbrOfBases nbrOfGenes
> >> >> > 1   197195432       1237
> >> >> > 2   181748087       1779
> >> >> > 3   159599783       1046
> >> >> > 4   155630120       1286
> >> >> > 5   152537259       1285
> >> >> > 6   149517037       1158
> >> >> > 7   152524553       1975
> >> >> > 8   131738871       1082
> >> >> > 9   124076172       1260
> >> >> > 10  129993255       1036
> >> >> > 11  121843856       1606
> >> >> > 12  121257530        712
> >> >> > 13  120284312        850
> >> >> > 14  125194864        860
> >> >> > 15  103494974        823
> >> >> > 16   98319150        679
> >> >> > 17   95272651       1075
> >> >> > 18   90772031        522
> >> >> > 19   61342430        739
> >> >> > 23  166650296        800
> >> >> > 24   15902555         12
> >> >> > M       16299         13
> >> >> >> fit(cbs, min.width=5, verbose=verbose)
> >> >> >> ce = ChromosomeExplorer(cbs)
> >> >> >> process(ce, verbose=verbose)
> >> >> > [...]
> >> >> > ERROR caught in onFit.CopyNumberSegmentationModel():
> >> >> > [2010-12-01 18:18:04] Exception: Cannot infer number of bases in
> >> >> > chromosome. No such chromosome: 25
> >> >> >  at throw(Exception(...))
> >> >> >  at throw.default("Cannot infer number of bases in chromosome. No
> >> >> > such chromoso
> >> >> >  at throw("Cannot infer number of bases in chromosome. No such
> >> >> > chromosome: ", c
> >> >> >  at getChromosomeLength(chromosome)
> >> >> >  at doTryCatch(return(expr), name, parentenv,
> ...
> read more »

When reporting problems on aroma.affymetrix, make sure 1) to run the latest 
version of the package, 2) to report the output of sessionInfo() and 
traceback(), and 3) to post a complete code example.

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