Correct.  FYI, it is more straightforward to do:

> library("aroma.affymetrix");
> cdf <- AffymetrixCdfFile$byChipType("HG-U133_Plus_2");
> units <- indexOf(cdf, names="1053_at");
> print(units);
[1] 64
> cells <- getCellIndices(cdf, units=units, stratifyBy="pm");
> print(cells);

 [1] 1193929   48229 1014367 1076821  975016  201506  895292
 [8] 1170808   81075  134485  714108  956498  429738   62512
[15]  462278  276396

Compare with:

> cells <- getCellIndices(cdf, units=units, stratifyBy="pmmm");
> print(cells);

      [,1]  [,2]    [,3]    [,4]   [,5]   [,6]   [,7]
pm 1193929 48229 1014367 1076821 975016 201506 895292
mm 1195093 49393 1015531 1077985 976180 202670 896456
      [,8]  [,9]  [,10]  [,11]  [,12]  [,13] [,14]  [,15]
pm 1170808 81075 134485 714108 956498 429738 62512 462278
mm 1171972 82239 135649 715272 957662 430902 63676 463442
pm 276396
mm 277560


> cells <- getCellIndices(cdf, units=units);
> print(cells);

 [1] 1193929 1195093   48229   49393 1014367 1015531 1076821
 [8] 1077985  975016  976180  201506  202670  895292  896456
[15] 1170808 1171972   81075   82239  134485  135649  714108
[22]  715272  956498  957662  429738  430902   62512   63676
[29]  462278  463442  276396  277560


On Wed, Dec 22, 2010 at 7:54 PM, Fong <> wrote:
> I realized that I totally forgot about the fact that there are
> mismatch probes on the HG-U133 Plus 2.0 arrays which explains why
> there are x2 the number of probes for each probeset.  For those
> interested in just grabbing the pm probes, you can do something like
> this:
> ps <- "1053_at"
> types <- "pm
> cells <- lapply(types, FUN=function(type) identifyCells(cdf,
> types=type))
> names(cells) <- types
> pm_cells <- unlist(cells["pm"])
> probe_cells <- getCellIndices(cdf, units=indexOf(cdf, names=ps),
> unlist=TRUE)
> probe_cells <- intersect(pm_cells, probe_cells) #retrieves only the PM
> probes
> This will return just the probe_cells of PM probes.  And then you can
> use:
> m <- getIntensities(cs, indices=probe_cells)
> To get the intensities of just those probes.
> Fong
> On Dec 21, 11:36 am, Fong <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I've been looking at probe-level data for HG-U133 Plus 2.0 arrays and
>> following the tutorial listed at "
>> affymetrix/web/data-affymetrixcelset-object".  When I run the
>> readUnits(csOrig,unit=1) #gets the first unit (aka probeset), where
>> csOrig is a celSet for HG-U133 Plus 2.0 arrays, I am getting a higher
>> than expected number of probes grouped to this probeset.  In this
>> case, unit=1 is the probeset "AFFX-BioB-5_at", and it reports as
>> having 40 probes:
>> Here is the output:
>> readUnits(cs, unit=1)
>> $`AFFX-BioB-5_at`
>> $`AFFX-BioB-5_at`$`AFFX-BioB-5_at`
>> $`AFFX-BioB-5_at`$`AFFX-BioB-5_at`$intensities
>>       [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5] [,6] [,7] [,8] [,9] [,10] [,11] [,12] [,
>> 13]
>>  [1,]  391  286  384  477  407  405  328  506  402   344   344   348
>> 377
>>  [2,]   89   81   92  119  116  103   92   99  113   100    84
>> 89    96
>>  [3,]  198  171  254  256  233  209  181  259  248   214   164   153
>> 223
>>  [4,]   68   87   86   97   89   84   78   63   89    79    80
>> 68    81
>>  [5,]  647  634  698  727  698  656  600  905  701   731   656   733
>> 805
>>  [6,]  166  172  177  220  205  163  190  228  214   221   229   179
>> 175
>>  [7,]  148  117  144  200  153  112  107  165  155   152   137   124
>> 164
>>  [8,]  105   86   86   93   84   74   77   80   78    86    88
>> 85    60
>>  [9,]  507  511  561  619  520  499  532  715  661   621   539   596
>> 600
>> [10,]  487  247  316  380  344  400  268  374  449   393   364   278
>> 375
>> [11,]  650  559  688  672  690  619  665  836  793   679   679   729
>> 793
>> [12,]  203  161  260  229  233  194  201  269  260   234   189   222
>> 225
>> [13,] 1046  862 1174 1175 1054  998  974 1318 1145  1057  1119  1150
>> 1356
>> [14,]  502  436  566  566  509  501  432  603  522   514   507   510
>> 583
>> [15,] 1022  863 1152 1167 1143 1021  963 1308 1145  1152  1166  1134
>> 1399
>> [16,]  302  218  301  355  346  268  249  386  317   326   275   272
>> 398
>> [17,]  894  744 1020 1070  858  858  794 1181  959   991   870  1025
>> 1166
>> [18,]  243  208  303  289  261  257  255  259  273   290   221   228
>> 313
>> [19,]  382  337  470  381  369  373  383  520  455   384   415   425
>> 447
>> [20,]  104  109  113  147  140  120  119  127  128   136   129    96
>> 110
>> [21,]  462  332  427  428  389  411  343  545  539   449   419   463
>> 504
>> [22,]  156  145  137  169  141  166  147  146  164   171   169   134
>> 129
>> [23,]  238  148  246  252  249  215  190  281  209   198   191   203
>> 201
>> [24,]   89   93   80  106  122   89   90   85   89    93    92
>> 87    88
>> [25,]  240  201  331  246  230  249  180  277  252   250   265   222
>> 286
>> [26,]  109   96  103  147  109  117   89   88   95   113   113
>> 77    85
>> [27,]  160  163  176  178  163  205  158  170  180   163   162   168
>> 204
>> [28,]   97   91  102  155  116  142  104  101   97   104   102
>> 80    90
>> [29,]  614  532  623  628  576  564  550  701  575   623   570   485
>> 689
>> [30,]  114   82   99   93  118  109   94  105  114    90    91
>> 86    97
>> [31,]  179  168  147  165  200  169  133  173  169   146   145   148
>> 140
>> [32,]  614  458  459  612  846  551  497  800  805   611   508   383
>> 454
>> [33,]  305  330  346  339  300  297  322  375  383   394   355   326
>> 369
>> [34,]  116  127  127  146  170  131  137  140  139   129   141   122
>> 124
>> [35,]  145  127  167  164  174  148  167  160  188   190   153   151
>> 170
>> [36,]  114   80  100  128  148  102  121   97  105   135   100
>> 89    89
>> [37,]  175  154  227  184  157  144  123  185  164   161   156   167
>> 162
>> [38,]   71   73   70   84   93   91  105   77   92    78    77
>> 62    81
>> [39,]  802  498  744  807  888  692  617  798  743   720   720   778
>> 881
>> [40,]  274  213  311  310  320  258  250  321  278   283   291   199
>> 254
>> I've looked around in the annotation files from affymetrix and there
>> are only 20 probes for this probeset.  Other probesets I've looked at
>> have this issue too.  It seems that the number of probes groupt to
>> that probeset are always doubled.  I am using the cdf which is located
>> at, and the "Binary version of the
>> CDF file (shown above) from Affymetrix.  54,675 units."
>> Is this a mistake in the cdf file grouping of probes to probesets, or
>> am I misunderstanding what the readUnits/readIntensities functions are
>> doing?
>> Fong
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