Hi, I have been using aroma to analysis our SNP6.0 array for a while.
Now we got data on the Mouse diversity array  (MouseDIV__m520650).

I ran into problem at the fragmentation length normalization step --
same as 

Error in list(`process(fln, verbose = verbose)` = <environment>,
`process.FragmentLengthNormalization(fln, verbose = verbose)` =
<environment>,  :

[2011-01-13 14:31:10] Exception: Cannot fit normalization function to
enzyme, because there are no (finite) data points that are unique to
this enzyme: 1
  at throw(Exception(...))
  at throw.default("Cannot fit normalization function to enzyme,
because there a
  at throw("Cannot fit normalization function to enzyme, because there
are no (f
  at normalizeFragmentLength.default(y, fragmentLengths = fl,
targetFcns = targe
  at normalizeFragmentLength(y, fragmentLengths = fl, targetFcns =
targetFcns, s
  at process.FragmentLengthNormalization(fln, verbose = verbose)
  at process(fln, verbose = verbose)
20110113 14:31:10|  Normalizing log2 signals...done
20110113 14:31:10| Array #1 of 36
20110113 14:31:10|Normalizing set for PCR fragment-length

I am just wondering if there is any update on this issue.


When reporting problems on aroma.affymetrix, make sure 1) to run the latest 
version of the package, 2) to report the output of sessionInfo() and 
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