Hi Kripa.

Have a look at the Affymetrix website:


Click on "Technical Documentation" and the file you are probably after is 
"HuEx-1_0-st-v2 Transcript Cluster Annotations, CSV, Release 31 (25 MB 


The 'unitName' below is a transcript cluster id.  You may have to parse the 
other columns to extract the gene identifiers/symbols.

There are of course other ways to do this.  For example, you may be able to use 
the 'exonmap' R/Bioconductor package.

Hope that helps.

On 2011-01-24, at 3:29 PM, kripa raman wrote:

> Hi, 
> I'm very new to microarray analysis and I fear I'm in too deep by starting 
> with the HuEx1_0-st-v2 chip, especially since no one in my building seems to 
> have conducted this analysis!
> Experiment currently: 2 chips have been analyzed and have had the same 
> treatment, I'm looking to confirm that the genes/ exons are the same for both 
> chips (ideally by identifying that the top 100 genes are identical)
> The issue I'm having is converting the unitName and groupName, currently seen 
> in the trFit table, into meaningful gene ID. I'm under the impression that I 
> should be connecting this with the csv file but I'm not sure how to go about 
> doing this.
> Any help would be greatly appreciated!
> -Kripa 
> Code thus far:
> chipType<-"HuEx-1_0-st-v2" 
> cdf<-AffymetrixCdfFile$
> byChipType(chipType, tags="coreR2,A20070914,EP") ##set cdf: Core probesets: 
> 18,708 units/transcript clusters, 284,258 groups/probesets, and 1,082,385 
> probes  
> cs<-AffymetrixCelSet$byName("control", cdf=cdf) ##set cel group: 0035 and 0028
> bc <- RmaBackgroundCorrection(cs, tag="coreR2") ##background correction
> csBC <- process(bc,verbose=verbose)
> qn <- QuantileNormalization(csBC, typesToUpdate="pm") ##normalization
> csN <- process(qn, verbose=verbose)
> MNorm<-extractMatrix(csN)
> plmTr <- ExonRmaPlm(csN, mergeGroups=TRUE) ##summarize
> fit(plmTr, verbose=verbose)
> qamTr <- QualityAssessmentModel(plmTr) ##quality assessment
> plotNuse(qamTr)
> plotRle(qamTr) 
> cesTr <- getChipEffectSet(plmTr)
> trFit <- extractDataFrame(cesTr, units=1:3, addNames=TRUE)
> MSumm<-extractMatrix(cesTr) 
> #####result (how do i go about changing this unitName and groupName)
>  unitName groupName unit group cell    HuEx1_0028   HuEx1_0035 
> 1  2315373   2315374    1     1    1         6.722633        4.735021
> 2  2315554   2315586    2     1    5         9.422164        9.943003
> 3  2315633   2315638    3     3    20       6.146615        6.00318
> -- 
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Mark Robinson, PhD (Melb)
Epigenetics Laboratory, Garvan
Bioinformatics Division, WEHI
e: mrobin...@wehi.edu.au
e: m.robin...@garvan.org.au
p: +61 (0)3 9345 2628
f: +61 (0)3 9347 0852

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