On Sat, Jan 14, 2012 at 10:02 PM, Hoon Kim <wise...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Henrik,
> Thank you very much for your time to reply to my questions, and your
> suggestions worked very well. By following your advice, I successfully
> evaluated LOHs for all samples.
> I wonder if I can ask you two more questions, one related to your previous
> email and the other related to the output of PSCBS.
> 1.  A question related to your previous email:
> ------------------A part of your previous email--------
> # Estimate the LOH *threshold* from autosomal chromosomes alone
> DeltaLOH <- estimateDeltaLOH(extractChromosomes(fit, 1:22));
> # Call LOH
> fitC <- callLOH(fit, delta=DeltaLOH);
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> In this case, do I also have to estimate the Alleleic Balance *threshold*
> (deltaAB) from autosomal chromosomes alone in order to do "callAB"?

You could do that, but since the AB caller relies on weaker
assumptions it is more likely to work well anyway.  The advantage of
estimating the DeltaAB and DeltaLOH threshold from only the autosomal
chromosomes is that (ceteris paribus) the estimates will be the same
regardless of the germline being XX or XY; include X and Y in those
estimates will give a tiny (and negligible) bias between XXs and XYs.

> 2. Please, find the attached file that contains the PSCBS output for two
> patients. In "Patient 1," most lohCalls are "NA" rather than "False," while
> only a few of NAs are shown in "Patient 2."  I would greatly appreciate it
> if you let me know why Patient 1 has many NAs rather than "False."
> Unfortunately, I couldn't find a reference where I can find answer myself,
> but I might have missed.

See argument 'xorCalls' in callLOH(): "If @TRUE, a region already
called AB, will not be called LOH."  The basic idea is that if a
segment is already called AB, it cannot be LOH.  Thus, if AB = TRUE
then LOH = FALSE, i.e. (AB,LOH)=(TRUE,FALSE).  However, we still run
the LOH caller and gets the calls.  Now, to distinguish the cases
where the AB and LOH agree from when they disagree, we report either
(AB,LOH)=(TRUE,FALSE) or (TRUE,NA).  The former is reported when they
agree and the latter when they disagree.  You can always override this
yourself by the logic: LOH[AB] <- FALSE.

In the next release help("callLOH", package="PSCBS") will clarify this better.



> Thank you very much.
> Best,
> Hoon
> On Fri, Jan 13, 2012 at 4:31 PM, Henrik Bengtsson
> <henrik.bengts...@aroma-project.org> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I could reproduce this using the PairedPSCBS object that you sent me;
>> library("PSCBS");
>> # Load Paired PSCBS results with AB calls already done
>> fit <- loadObject("HoonKim_20120110.Rbin");
>> fitC <- callLOH(fit);
>> ## Error: muC1atNonAB < muC1atAB is not TRUE
>> # The CN data (figure attached) looks good
>> toPNG("HoonKim_20120110", tags="PSCBS", width=840, aspectRatio=0.8, {
>> plotTracks(fit); })
>> What causing the problem is basically that nothing is going on in the
>> tumor, that is, it behaves as the germline.  No change points were
>> detected on any chromomosome (Chr 1-22, 23 (X), 24 (Y), 25 (M)),
>> resulting in one segment per chromosome.  Each such segment/chromosome
>> was then correctly called to be in allelic balance (AB) by callAB()
>> that you did earlier.  The exception is ChrY, which is non-AB.  The
>> total CNs and the BAFs for Chr24 are probably "garbage", because this
>> sample is an XX person, meaning we only observe noise on ChrY.
>> One obvious solution is to exclude ChrY, either already when running
>> the segmentation, or immediately afterward, e.g.
>> df <- subset(df, chromosome %in% 1:23);
>> fit   <- segmentByPairedPSCBS(df, verbose=verbose);
>> fit <- callAB(fit);
>> fit <- callLOH(fit);
>> Alternatively, if you wish to keep ChrY, say for consistency with
>> other samples, you can do as follows:
>> # Estimate the LOH *threshold* from autosomal chromosomes alone
>> DeltaLOH <- estimateDeltaLOH(extractChromosomes(fit, 1:22));
>> # Call LOH
>> fitC <- callLOH(fit, delta=DeltaLOH);
>> In both cases you will get a warning that DeltaLOH was set to -Inf,
>> which is alright.  See below.
>> When calling LOH, we compare (a bootstrap quantile estimate of) the
>> minor CN (C1) of each segment toward a threshold DeltaLOH.  See Eqn
>> (7) in Olshen et al. (2011) [http://aroma-project.org/publications/]
>> for details.  The main problem in calling LOH is to choose a good
>> DeltaLOH.  As explained in the paper, this threshold is sample
>> specific and requires rather strong assumptions and ad hoc estimators.
>>  In the Section S1.2 of the Supplementary Materials, we propose on
>> approach to estimate DeltaLOH from data.  The idea is to choose
>> DeltaLOH as the midpoint between where we believe the true CN=1 and
>> true CN=0 is.  We estimate the true CN=1 (mu1) from all segment that
>> are in AB and with TCN near two.  That estimate is not that debatable
>> and works for data sets.  However, estimating where the true CN=0
>> (mu0) is, requires that we have some segments that have a zero minor
>> CN.  The method for estimating DeltaLOH is estimateDeltaLOH().  Use it
>> and you will get:
>> DeltaLOH <- estimateDeltaLOH(fit);
>> ## Error: muC1atNonAB < muC1atAB is not TRUE
>> which confirms that it's there the error occurs.  BTW, the error is a
>> sanity check asserting that our assumptions are correct and that we
>> can safely go ahead and estimate DeltaLOH.
>> First, when *all* segments are in AB, then all minor CNs are 1 (and so
>> the major CNs).  In that case we cannot estimate mu0 and hence not
>> DeltaLOH.  It is a non-identifiable setup.  However, when *all*
>> segments are AB, we know that none are in LOH.  Thus, in that case we
>> can use DeltaLOH = -Inf as a threshold (as in the above workarounds).
>> However, in your case, ChrY is not called AB and hence it will try to
>> estimate DeltaLOH as outlined in the paper.  It gets a good estimate
>> of mu1, but not mu0.  It has to estimate mu0 based on the single
>> non-AB segment, which is the data on ChrY.  This is what it looks like
>> if you turn on the verbose messages:
>> DeltaLOH <- estimateDeltaLOH(fit, verbose=-10);
>>  ...
>>  Weighted median of (corrected) C1 in allelic balance: 0.993
>>  Smallest C1 among segments not in allelic balance: 1.15
>>  There are 1 segments with in total 295 heterozygous SNPs with this level.
>>  ...
>> From this you see that the mu1 = 0.993 and mu0=1.15.  However, true
>> CN=0 (mu0) should always be less than true CN=1 (mu1), which is why
>> the sanity check fails.
>> I will discuss with my PSCBS coauthors if it possible to automate the
>> above, e.g. by detecting that ChrY is just noise with signal so that
>> it can be excluded.  However, doing that introduces new assumptions,
>> e.g. assuming it is a human genome that is segmented and so on.
>> Thanks for the report
>> Henrik
>> On Tue, Jan 10, 2012 at 6:39 PM, Henrik Bengtsson
>> <henrik.bengts...@aroma-project.org> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > when you say "bad pair", what do you really mean?
>> >
>> > Please send me (offline; not to the mailing list) an example of the
>> > 'fit' object where you get that error message, e.g.
>> >
>> > saveObject(fit, "HoonKim_20120110.Rbin");
>> >
>> > so that I can try to reproduce this.
>> >
>> > /Henrik
>> >
>> > On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 11:37 AM, wisekh6 <wise...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >> Dear Henrik,
>> >> I have been doing paired PSCBS analysis on a Genome Wide SNP array 6.0
>> >> data set in order to estimate LOH for 20 pairs of samples.
>> >> The code on the aroma web site successfully estimated LOH for most
>> >> pairs, while it fails to estimate LOH for several bad pairs.
>> >> An error message I got from a bad pair is :
>> >>>fit   <- callLOH(fit, verbose=verbose);
>> >> Error: muC1atNonAB < muC1atAB is not TRUE
>> >>
>> >> The code, which is not exactly the same as my actual one, that I use
>> >> is as follows:
>> >> ===============================================
>> >> library("aroma.affymetrix");
>> >> verbose           <- Arguments$getVerbose(-10, timestamp=TRUE);
>> >> library("PSCBS");
>> >>
>> >> res     <- doASCRMAv2(csR, verbose=verbose);
>> >> data    <- extractPSCNArray(res$total);
>> >> # Total CNs for the tumor relative to the matched normal
>> >> CT      <- 2 * (data[,"total","T"] / data[,"total","N"]);
>> >> # Allele B fractions for the tumor
>> >> betaT   <- data[,"fracB","T"];
>> >> # Allele B fractions for the normal
>> >> betaN   <- data[,"fracB","N"];
>> >> # Get (chromosome, position) annotation data
>> >> ugp     <- getAromaUgpFile(res$total);
>> >> chromosome <- ugp[,1,drop=TRUE];
>> >> x       <- ugp[,2,drop=TRUE];
>> >>
>> >> # Setup data structure for Paired PSCBS
>> >> df    <- data.frame(chromosome=chromosome, x=x, CT=CT, betaT=betaT,
>> >> betaN=betaN);
>> >>
>> >> # Run PSCBS
>> >> fit   <- segmentByPairedPSCBS(df, verbose=verbose);
>> >> print("...segmentByPairedPSCBS")
>> >>
>> >> fit   <- callAB(fit, verbose=verbose);
>> >> print("...callAB")
>> >>
>> >> fit   <- callLOH(fit, verbose=verbose);
>> >> print("...callLOH")
>> >> ===============================================
>> >>
>> >> I wonder if you provide me with any suggestion regarding this error
>> >> message.
>> >>
>> >> Thank you,
>> >>
>> >> Best,
>> >>
>> >> Hoon
>> >>
>> >> sessionInfo() is as follows:
>> >> ===============================================
>> >>>             sessionInfo()
>> >>
>> >> R version 2.13.0 (2011-04-13)
>> >> Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)
>> >>
>> >> locale:
>> >>  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C
>> >>  [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8
>> >>  [5] LC_MONETARY=C              LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8
>> >>  [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C
>> >>  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C
>> >>
>> >> attached base packages:
>> >> [1] splines   stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets
>> >> methods
>> >> [8] base
>> >>
>> >> other attached packages:
>> >>  [1] Hmisc_3.8-3            survival_2.36-5        DNAcopy_1.26.0
>> >>  [4] PSCBS_0.17.1           aroma.affymetrix_2.3.0 affxparser_1.24.0
>> >>  [7] aroma.apd_0.2.0        R.huge_0.3.0           aroma.core_2.3.2
>> >> [10] aroma.light_1.22.0     matrixStats_0.4.3      R.rsp_0.7.0
>> >> [13] R.cache_0.5.2          R.filesets_1.1.3       digest_0.5.1
>> >> [16] R.utils_1.9.6          R.oo_1.8.3             R.methodsS3_1.2.1
>> >>
>> >> loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
>> >> [1] cluster_1.13.3  grid_2.13.0     lattice_0.19-23
>> >> ===============================================
>> >>
>> >> --
>> >> When reporting problems on aroma.affymetrix, make sure 1) to run the
>> >> latest version of the package, 2) to report the output of sessionInfo() 
>> >> and
>> >> traceback(), and 3) to post a complete code example.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
>> >> Groups "aroma.affymetrix" group with website 
>> >> http://www.aroma-project.org/.
>> >> To post to this group, send email to aroma-affymetrix@googlegroups.com
>> >> To unsubscribe and other options, go to
>> >> http://www.aroma-project.org/forum/
>> --
>> When reporting problems on aroma.affymetrix, make sure 1) to run the
>> latest version of the package, 2) to report the output of sessionInfo() and
>> traceback(), and 3) to post a complete code example.
>> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
>> "aroma.affymetrix" group with website http://www.aroma-project.org/.
>> To post to this group, send email to aroma-affymetrix@googlegroups.com
>> To unsubscribe and other options, go to
>> http://www.aroma-project.org/forum/
> --
> When reporting problems on aroma.affymetrix, make sure 1) to run the latest
> version of the package, 2) to report the output of sessionInfo() and
> traceback(), and 3) to post a complete code example.
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "aroma.affymetrix" group with website http://www.aroma-project.org/.
> To post to this group, send email to aroma-affymetrix@googlegroups.com
> To unsubscribe and other options, go to http://www.aroma-project.org/forum/

When reporting problems on aroma.affymetrix, make sure 1) to run the latest 
version of the package, 2) to report the output of sessionInfo() and 
traceback(), and 3) to post a complete code example.

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