hi ajit
i think i hav the same emotional feelings about rahman,s music,,
i usualy think that there is something very spiritual in rahman,s music and his tunes dont seems to be worldly made,,there is something wich feels like heavenly.i was totally a child of 11 when i listen his first tune and u can,never immagine that i was stunned on my way and i become crazy to listen from that day there is some spiritual relation of mine with rahman ji and his music,,may god always bless our rahman jii.
good bye

Ajit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

In some hopes of generating more in depth discussions, I am putting
forth this topic.  First of all, let me clarify that I not a fan of
exaggerating or being too mellow dramatic.  Rahman's music touches
me in ways no other musician or artist ever has.  Why is that? 
Beyond the surface brilliance of his music, what really is the
essence of his music that I connect with do deeply?

I respect music in all forms.  Maybe I don't respect some of the
musicians who create it, but I can pick out something positive in
any music, even if I did not want to ever listen to that type of
music again.  Someone earlier here stated, "Rahman has the ability
to communicate complex and ethereal emotions through his music".
That statement really resonated with my passion for Rahman and his

I find that Rahman's music is a very authentic and powerful
extension of himself as a person.  Of course, all art is an
extension of the artist by definition, but I really feel that Rahman
imposes very little artificial boundaries by choice and more often
than not.  His music ecompasses a wide range of styles, modes,
moods, colors, etc. etc. on the surface.  On an intellectual left
brain mode, I love his compositional, acoustic and arrangement
brilliance.  There is no doubt he excells there. 

Yet, on a right brain, emotional level, I really feel that is where
he excells most powerfully.  His ability to communicate such deep
and unsaid emotions, so true to form and to authentic, that they
defy explanation or mere verbal commentary.  Like other great
artists in the past, Rahman's music often has the effect of making
time stand still and involving me in a deeper level of conscious,
almost like a meditation.  Again, let's skip the surface level

If there were words to describe the feelings I receive from Rahman
and his music, it would be hope, continuity, stability,
connectedness, and transcendentalness.  Mere approximations only,
but I really feel connected to Rahman's music on a very spiritual
and deeply conscious level.  Not just entertainment, not merely
moving, not only inpsiring, it's the emotional/spiritual matrix of
his music that draws me to him.  Again, I cannot fully explain in

Once again, I don't mean to sound too dramatic or overly emotional
or passionate.  But, these are the qualities of Rahman and his music
that appeal to me, especially in our lives when pain and suffering
challenge us constantly.   

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