I did try to translate 'Zikr' last time and it would be an honor for me to translate Noor-un-ala-noor for the members, from the limited capability and knowledge I possess. It's kind of you to ask me to do so. Again, I am not perfect... but I regard this Qawwali very close to my heart as it is can be seen as a 'Sangam' of MF Hussain sahib's thoughts & words and ArRahman's imagination and music!
I am sorry that I was a little upset from comments which are made by us sometimes unintentionally, with limited knowledge and without thinking how it will have an impact on others, with similar quantity of  knowledge, which causes a chain reaction .... Therefore, we have to know the true worth of our own words first... in order to understand the depth in others' words. I am lucky to be part of this group and want the best for all its members!
Noor-un-ala-Noor as I mentioned earlier is arabic for 'DIVINE' light upon light.... like we say ... 'layers upon layers'... so basically it is light upon light ...the only light of the DIVINE that is everywhere... it can trace its roots from a verse in the QURAN  (1 :115) that says... "To Allah belongs the EASTS and the WESTS...Wherever you shall turn is the face of Allah for He is all knowing and prevading".
The soul that we possess according to Islam are given to us by God...originally it was breathed in ADAM, (the first human being created with clay by God) ...who then put a soul in Adam. So you see... we are Breath of the Divine Breath and when this breath begins to emerge in its original form... it becomes pure .. and clear being is found.

Just like us, everything around us that our senses can register, are creations of God also...thus containtaning His Noor or His Light. (Noor = Divine Light), thus LIGHT UPON LIGHT!
So here goes the translation:
chaaro.n taraf chaaro.n taraf nuur-un-alaa nuur-un\-alaa nuur-un-alaa nuur
Everywhere Everywhere!... there is the divine light....light upon light !

ye barq\-e\-tajallii a.ndhero.n ko chiiratii
This Tajali piercing through these darknesses!
(Tajali is arabic and is refered to the Divine sight that was made by Moses on mount Sinai, who used to communicate with God from this mountain without seeing Him)
yahaa.N bhii tuu vahaa.N bhii tu, ye roshanii kyaa roshanii
I find you Here ... I find You There... this Light!.. O WHAT a LIGHT!

tere siwaa ko_ii hai ke puuchhuu.N
Is there a reason to ask if there is anything other than YOU!

a.ndhero.n se puuchhaa to chup ho gaye chup ho gaye
The darkeness became silent when questioned!

ujaalo.n se puuchhaa to sharamaa gaye sharamaa gaye
The brightness became shy when questioned!

pari.ndo.n se puuchhaa kahaa.N parawaaz hai
I questioned the birds ..."where to, do your flights take you?"

Kaamoshii se puuchhaa kahaa.N aawaaz hai
I questioned the silence .."where does sound exist?"

phuulo.n se patto.n se ra.ngo.n seaayii sadaaa
It was then...from the flowers , the leaves and the colors came the same reply:

chaaro.n taraf chaaro.n taraf nuur-un-alaa nuur-un\-alaa nuur-un-alaa nuur
Everywhere Everywhere!... there is the divine light....light upon light !
Antra 1

uThaa_ii chilaman to dekhaa jalawaa teraa
It was when I lifted the veils ...that I saw your miracles!

ba.Dhaayaa qadam to ma.nzil terii ma.nzil terii
It was when I took a step towards You ...that I found the path!

uThaa_ii nazar to suurat terii suurat terii
You were everywhere when I lifted up my eyes!

bha.Nware kii gun\-gun me.n, ka.ngan kii khan\-khan me.n
In the hissing of a moth... in the clanking of the kangan (bracelet) !

aashiq ke tan\-man me.n birahan ke nainan me.n
In the body&spirit of the lover...in the eyes of the birahan

taano.n me.n saragam me.n bas tuu hai tuu hii tuu
In the taans .. in the musical notes..I found you ..only YOU!

Antra 2

dil kii diiwaanagii man kii aawaaragii tuu
You are the passion of my heart ...You the wilderness in my innerself!
duur leke chal tuu kuchh puuchh naa tuu kuchh puuchh naa tuu
Carry me away with You without me questioning...

ji.ndagii ek raaz thii ek raaz hai ek raaz hai
Life was a secret and will remain a secret!
jaan kar hogaa kyaa kis ne hai jaanaa
Who has the answers to it ... who knows!

ko_ii kahe mohabbat ko_ii ibaadat
Some call it love and some call it worship!

diiwaanagii kahe.n chaahe junuu.N chaahat hii terii adaa
Some may call it ecstasy and others passion but ...LOVE is your truest attribute!

chaaro.n taraf chaaro.n taraf nuur-un-alaa nuur-un\-alaa nuur-un-alaa nuur
Everywhere Everywhere!... there is the divine light....light upon light !

ye barq\-e\-tajallii a.ndhero.n ko chiiratii
This Tajali piercing through these darknesses!

yahaa.N bhii tuu vahaa.N bhii tu, ye roshanii kyaa roshanii
I find you Here ... I find You There... this Light!.. O WHAT a LIGHT!
The End
Thanks and God Bless us all!

Jitesh Iyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear Noman,
I think you were the one who provided the meaning of the song Zikr some time back.
Can you again do the favour and explain the lyrics of 'Noor-un-Ala-Noor'? Although the lyrics are not as difficult to follow as in Zikr (thats my personal opinion) as I could get the gist of it on hearing it a few times, unlike Zikr, which I required a word-by-word translation to fully comprehend, I'd never-the-less prefer a complete authentic translation so that I'm not mistaken due to my ignorance of Urdu.
I hope you will oblige and help us all who are interested in understanding such beautiful songs, but dont know where to go!
And friends, taking this oppurtunity, I'd like to suggest one activity to add to this vibrant group.
Why not we all choose ARR's famous songs and translate them, so that people who didnt understand the lyrics fully can understand them and begin to like the song even better.
ARR has composed beauties in Tamil, which never got translated to Hindi - the songs from Iruvar, Kandudondain, Indira (Nila is my alltime fav), Sangamam, being some. Likewise, he's composed masterpieces in Hindi which wasnt translated in any other language.
As our group has people from all language backgrounds, if we all willingly cooperate, we can create a database of the translations of all his songs. Maybe someone who's good at designing webpages, (Swapna, may I take the liberty of citing your name?) can dedicate pages to these translations, so that anyone can find them anytime in the future. That, I feel would be a real good way of promoting his music without breaking any copyright laws or piracy laws. If people understand the lyrics, they'll realize the true worth of the song and like it even better.
What do you all say, guys?
The translation could include a small introduction citing the background in which the song appears, wherever relevent, as many songs ARR composes are based on context.
I'd like to add one more thing - this would be a huge effort and will require time and patience. It shouldnt fizzle away after an enthusiastic start. Thats the only things we'll have to take care of.

Noman Siddiqui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This posting is for the following comments made today by someone in the group:
"10. How about Noor-Un-Ala-Noor from Meenaxi? (Islamic) It seems
appropriate to me, though I don't know Urdu/Hindi and I believe in
the film itself the song was used to describe Tabu? (I think quite a few ppl were disappointed by that...)"

First of all.... this qawwali is not used to describe TABU! It is only used to describe the SUPEREME BEING.... the ABSOLUTE..... GOD.
Noor-un-Ala-Noor means LIGHT UPON LIGHT... or noor ke upar noor....
The lyrics of this QAWWALI if you understand...can open a new world inside you...like it did for ArRahman who then composed it so beautifully!

So instead of marking it as a DISAPPOINTMENT...  try to find out what it means...
then you shall know where the REAL disappointment lies!!!

Good luck,


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