I think this group has gone through this rigmarole many times before.  Lemme give my views here. According to me a genius like ARR can never blatantly lift or copy because once your mind is thinking at such a creative level you just can't think of copying someone else's work. Having said that I am not saying his music may not be inspired. Just think, is there anything in this world which can be truly original, especially something like music which is from the time of creation itself. There are so many forms and genres and so many musicians that music is bound to overlap.  I am happy even if ARR is 95% original and 5% inspired (not copied or lifted). To me if the music touches your heart it is original. And sure his music has touched millions. I don't care what others say. I don't see why you should be ashamed when someone says ARR copied.  I think the way we project him to people really matters. If you tell people that he is the only 100% original composer, defenitely you will be challenged as everyone interprets music in a different way.  And one can never be a complete authority in all types of music. I never get into arguments about things like copying and lifting because I lack musical knowledge. Instead I tell people to compare his music with the output from other musicians and even an idiot can say that ARR is way ahead without considering factors like hits or flops, box office, popularity etc. So just leave out the very very few instances when he might have been inspired and look at his whole body of work. Defenitely you judgment cannot get clouded by that small % of inspiration that you don't have time to appreciate the other part of his music.  To me ARR still continues to give great music, as good as his earlier days but probably lacks popular appeal because the standard of the masses have fallen and not his music. We Indians are always fond of the numbers game so naturally there is bound to be more criticism when he may not be topping the popularity charts.  To me geniuses like ARR never falter, they may have their low periods but will always be remembered. Common man, let us enjoy his creativity and not argue about songs from history.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, June 18, 2005 8:16 PM
Subject: Re: [arr]: Annd Milnd Lftd dirctly frm Rhmn's aal&& COPYCAT rahman

in the beginin of raaga dance rahman used a loop which
is there in sample loops which almost all musicians
occupy( i guess its the same with anand milind).i once
told in the group about some songs which rahman
copied/lifted/inspired/ etc..and i got mixed
responses,like some teaching me meaning of the word
"copy" ,one going deep into my character( he shud be a
phycologist)and even it was recommended that i should
be thrown out of this group.but only one guy replied
properly and explained about beats and drums available
with MDs.i had given a list of songs in which rahman
had used music that doesnt belong him. and none was
able to explain them properly and was
from this group itself i reached at the site IESPANA
and found many such cases.
  a true fan of rahman shud not encourage him using
others' music.we shud not be blind of rahman craze but
shud be right kind of fans.he is ofcrse the king and i
fell he is far beyond better than any other musician
india has ever seen.he is really havin the potential
to go international.but we shudnt mislead him by
blindly praising such false sides of his music.just
consider songs jumbalika ,parkathe etc. they were mere
direct lifts.
    i dont care being out of the group for this
mail.bcoz i beleve im a true fan and i will criticize
him. the "lifted" cases were told to me by my
friends.i was well known in my school for being an ARR
fan but these cases made me ashamed and i had no
explanation to give them.

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