I attended the function, with the sole intention to meet ARR and take a snap with him..I was almost successful in that.
First they played "Thigu..higu" and "Varugirai" on the screen...By that time , I some how sneaked in and reached ARR, who was seated near Vijay in the first chair of the 4th row..I introduced myself and said that I belong to Yahoo group..ARR greeted me with smile...I said that I needed a snap at the end...he repeated "at the end"..
When Varugirai was played, I again sneaked in ..to get his autograph...since, I was holding a small paper..ARR could not sign there properly....My first bad luck that evening...
The Show started late for about 45 minutes..Valee was the first one to speak..As reported by sify.com, he was one among the best one that evening.. He said how  SJS believed a 75 year old man and extracted lyrics from him for a youthful subject...and how ARR tuned two songs ("Anbe aaruyire" and "varugurai") after the lyrics were completely written..He said had he not said that we all might have believed that it was wrote for a tune..<<<True... guys I couldn't believe it...ARR is Genius >>>
T R came a bit late..I wished he had never come..SJS had invited him to all his music launch function on a sentimental basis...To me he is the show spoiler..in the sense...he high jacks a serious show with some totally irrelevant talk about his "oru thalai raagam " and all...totally use less speech...I still remember how he literally scolded Trisha on the audio launch function of "NEW" for talking in English..He said that he knew ARR even during early days as ARR used to play key board in his studio for his music...<<<What a great information....chi...>>>
Vijay and his father...and all spoke shortly but sweetly..
Vivek...an other good speaker brought down the whole theatre with his wits..One point which he said , is noteworthy is "For the last century, the one MD who can be called as the MD of the century is IR, no doubt", huge claps for that..."but for the last decade and probably for this entire century, the man who redefined music and will be called as the MD of the century is ARR ..no doubt"..Theatre burst into claps and load shouts....I lost control and shouted from the bottom of my throat..
Simbu's job was very difficult..he had to some how cover up his father and at the same time talk sensibly...He did that fabulously...as a true son..he covered up his father saying that he is probably the Father of self confidence and hard work ("in tamil..you can understand what he said") followed by SJS..
talking about ARR, he said how he used to disturb ARR during his days wit his father in recording studios..and How ARR used to say softly that "take away this child some where and let us work"...
SJS ...probably got very emotional in the middle and stated talking...he said that he has decided to give some rest to the actor SJS and want to take up his direction only ..and so he as signed Simbu for "AC" and Vijay for "Puli"...he intends to shoot both the film simultaneously...release it on the same day and make both the films a hit..."he said..I can do any thing in cinema"..repeated it twice..or thrice...
Then some one talked shortly...again SJS caught hold of the mike and said..."I said I can do any thing...all of them clapped...but I noticed one man (ARR), had wrinkles in his head....I am sorry sir...I did not say this out of over confidence or false pride...As you always say...that one has to be careful that the head weight do not get on to you...I am aware of that...I am just confident...thats all..I am the same SJS who was the asst. director for vasant in Aasai"
Guys...this shows how ARR been an example for simplicity..What a big celebrity he is and see how he moves with people who are not even fraction of what he is today...
Simbu defended ARR's slow output saying when you need 100% guaranty of music sales which you are not sure with other MDs, you have to wait for it...there is nothing wrong if ARR takes time to compose...ultimately he delivers..that's what it counts..
At the end..ARR spoke...was very relaxed and easy this time..enacted how simbu used to hold him during recordings and how he used to trouble him with out allowing him to work...
ARR said that when he and Sivamani came out of IR's troupe (huge claps here..mention of IR evoked huge response)..they could not hear anything other than IR music...where ever they turned..at that time..TR came out with his unique bang music and took by storm...He recollected his days with TR and said that in his first kumudam interview he mentioned along with MSV and  IR, TR is also his favorite MD...
Many speakers referred to ARR's famous line "ALL praise belong to the all-mighty" again and again...not with the intention to ridicule....so ARR also said that he does not feel ashamed to say any number of times that "ALL praise belong to the all-mighty"
The show was coming to an end..I prepared myself and went out..anticipating ARR to come out....when he eventually came out..I grabbed ARR's right arm, said "karthik - Yahoo Group..Snaps.." ARR said "ya..." and looked around..there was huge crowd..I showed him a free space and literally escorted him there...handed over my camera to my friend and just stood near him..placing my hand on his back..."My friend instead of clicking the camera..put it offf...My second bad luck...
By the time I put it on again..many crazy people joined ARR and wanted to take snap on MY camera...crazy..why...I do not know what they achieved by that other than pushing me to the corner and disturbing ARR...BY the time I recovered..ARR started to leave....I could not do any thing...
Guys...IT WAS SO CLOSE...BUT YET SO FAAAAAAR....whom should I blame????My fate...my Fate...
Anyway, I thank ARR for obliging to take a snap with me...what a great person he is..my God..Long live this noble soul..

This August, Discover the Birth of Your Independence
and The Magic of A.R.Rahman's Music in
Mangal Pandey - The Rising
Music released: Jul 14, 2005 Movie releases: Aug 12, 2005

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