Hi All,

This is the translation of the second part of S.J.Surya's article about A.R.Rahman from Kumudam. The original tamil article can be found at http://www.kumudam.com/hotmain.php
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There are quite a few interesting incidents behind the making of the song “Thottal Poo malarum” from  NEW. One day, I told A.R.Rahman, “Can you do a remix of a old tamil song for NEW?”. He had never done a remix, so he told me that will not do a remix.
I requested him, “Sir, please… Lets remix the song “Pesuvadhu Kiliyaa”. If you do a remix, that’ll be great”. He wasn’t convinced. But, I did not give up. “Sir, think of it this way. If you remix that song, you will receive the blessings of lyricist Kannadasan (One of the all-time-best lyricists in Tamil) from up above!”, I tried convincing him.
At one stage, unable to stand my pestering (!!!), he had tried it out. But according to him, it did not come out that well! But since I kept forcing him, he said, “Ok… I’ll do ..But not this song… Shall I try “thottaal poo malarum”. But, I will change the tune” 
I hesitated a bit… I thought, “Aha!! The tune of the original song is good.. It would be nice if he changes only the rhythm. But he wants to change the tune itself!!” Rahman understood what I was thinking and immediately said, “I make good tunes, Surya!!!”
“Ooops… Sir, Don’t mistake me!! Oh…My God!!!”, I retreated… Rahman started laughing!!!
Then he asked me, “When does your shooting finish?”. I told him it was at 1:30 am.. He asked me to come to his studio at 2:30 am.

I reach there at 2:30 am after the shooting to find the CD ready there, waiting for me! He had gone off to sleep just 5 minutes back, asking the people there to give the CD to me when I reach there! I get back to my car and played the CD. I was spell bound! I immediately realized that entire Tamilnadu is going to be spellbound over this song!
I called up choreographer Brinda, cinematographer Guhan and art-director Anand right away and asked them to come over to AVM Studios. Sincere persons that they are, they reached AVM by 3:00 am. I opened the doors of my car and played the song in high volume. They were enthralled! Their reaction to this song was same as that of mine!

Left AVM at around 4:15… Was so excited that I was in no mood to go home and sleep. So, I roamed all over Chennai in my car, listening to this song again and again. I reached home only at 6:00 am. I send a message to A.R.Rahman -  “Hats off to you genius”. That would have definitely brought a smile on his face!
There is one small similarity between both of us (I am happy to say thatthere is some similarity between me and the genius). Both of us are nocturnal creatures! Both of us like working in the nights.
The way he composes tunes is a beauty in itself. It is like a tapas. Unlike other music directors, he does not compose music, surrounded by people. Whoever be the director, he gets the “situation” for the song and composes the tune all alone. Will anyone do a tapas in the midst of a crowd?
You all will be surprised if you know how World’s No.1 composer sleeps. For that, lets move to the next shot!

Once I had taken my brother-in-law along to ARR’s studio for a recording. Work was going on till 4 am. Then Rahman came to me and said, “I feel very tired. I will sleep now, wake up at 6 and finish the work”. Then he went off to sleep.
I came out, woke up my brother-in-law, who was sleeping in the visitor’s area. “You want to see how Rahman sir sleeps?”, I asked him and escorted him inside. We stealthily opened the door and went inside. There was “Isai Puyal” – sleeping in a corner of the singers’ cabin -  on the floor, even without a pillow – just like how people sleep on the “Thinnai” in villages.
 My brother-in-law was shocked. “Such a “big” personality… sleeping like this… I am so surprised”, he exclaimed. The fact that he was going to wake up at 6 am and continue his work was yet another surprise. Lots of such surprises surround the man!
 One thing that Rahman does not like – flattery. Suppose we start praising him in front of him. He will tolerate it for about a minute. Then he will try to change the topic of discussion. Then, he will try to avoid us. If u still continue praising him, he will run away from the place!!!
God creates humans using flesh and blood. But for mothers, he just fills up with LOVE. I have got a loving and caring mom, Anandam. Similarly Rahman sir has also got a great mom - Kareena! Very spiritual person. She has unlimited devotion towards Allah.
The audio cassettes of NEW were released by both our moms. That was a memorable moment.
When Rahman has finished composing for a movie, the first copy does not go to the producer or the director. He give it to his mother. She goes to the mosque, offers the CD to God, prays and then returns it to Rahman. Be it Lagaan or whichever “big” movie it may be, the first CD always reaches his mom. Who else in the world, apart from a mother, would wish more for the success of a son? Very good character… A great woman. 
There is a cupboard in Rahman’s house. Since biggies like Ram Gopal Verma, Shankar, Mani Ratnam spend their nights working at their place, his mom makes snacks and delicacies (like murukku, seedai) and fills the cupboards with them. We do our work, munching these tasty delicacies. Some jolly moments!!!
Dear God, give the mother and her children a happy and prosperous life, without any difficulties."
I am not sure if this is the final episode or it is to be continued next week.. If it continues, I will translate it. 

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