This is Gr8..thanks. i've got it from our Group itself.
but this one is the LONGEST VERSION.
and Quality is good.. the Music is Magical.
esp. the 2nd Piece... showed the Storm that was raging inside ARR's
Mind clearly...

--- In, "Aparna" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone!
> I have been a silent member of this group for a very long time. First
> of all, I would like to thank all the members. Because of you all, I
> got to know a lot more about Rahman besides, getting to read so many
> interviews of his and also listen to so many wonderful BGMs that some
> of the members have been kind enough to upload.
> As some of you might be knowing, the Spirit of Unity Concert is being
> re-telecast nowadays on DD at 10.30 am on Sundays. I recorded the
> title music recently. I don't know whether this one has been uploaded
> earlier (The one I downloaded from FTP a few months back was
> different). Here are the links:
> Proud to be a Rahmaniac,
> Aparna

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