Hi all !

I dont need to say anything in detail, regarding the release function of
Carnatic Chills, coz there's nothing extra than our member Aparna's blog..


As she said in her blog, there were timed restrictions in capturing stills
of our Boss.
Our boss was sitting in the front row. Many persons went and took snaps and
got his autograph. When I came near the entrance, the Sabha in-charge
blocked me saying that the Sabha Secretary has ordered not to allow anybody
near our Boss. With a great disppointment, I went back to my seat.

After sometime, there came an announcement that the audio is to be released.
So, I moved from my seat after taking some snaps and a little video clip of
our Boss, who was entering into the stage. Then, I went outside the
auditorium and entered the side entrance. Now, all my worries gone like a
camera flash. Thank God ! I went near the stage, just behind the Sound Mixer
bay and started my video and still capturing. I was very much satisfied on
seeing our Boss very closely. I felt that I was in heaven.. The function
stage is still in my eyes..

The highlights of my day:
1. The camera was not working for a period of one month. But it worked on
that day, all of a sudden.
2. I took my friend's brother with me to the function. He didn't expected
that he will shake his hands with our Boss. That guy was so much excited and
told me " Anna ! Naan avara paarpenaa nu ninaichen. Aanaal Kaiyaiye
Koduthutten ! "

I was sitting in the row N, which was the starting row for general public

A 3 minute video of the first song:

Our Boss enters the stage - backed by heavy applause:

A close-up video of our Boss:

The stills:
http://www.flickr.com/photos/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/385615440/


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