
You guys might know better.. but a normal domain name can not be transfered 
like that. It needs to
be done through proper channels. Then again, there can be even possibilities 
that they can refuse
to transfer the domain name.. Few years back.. you guys requested (you and 
Gopal) for feedback
with regard to an official ARR website. Cause e-solutions is my profession and 
my degree is in and
experience is in..  I wrote a long mail giving what options can ben included .. 
but it never made
it into the group. After that I didn't even bother giving any suggestions with 
regard to official



--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> dont knw if u guys dont stay in touch regularly but the official website is 
> being co ordinated
> by Gopal and me in line with ideas conceived by a r r...............the soft 
> launch happened on
> 6th jan but the actual launch is delayed because sony has still not responded 
> to requests for
> the transfer of the domain
> Vijay
> _____ Original message _____
> Subject:      Re: [arr] A.R.Rahman Website
> Author:       "Viral Kothari" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date:         25th April 2007 7:29:56  PM
> Dear bergin,
> I think the web development and designing work ( 
> which is going on
> currently, is preety ok, i guess.
> -viral K.
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Bergin Roy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, 5 April, 2007 9:41:45 AM
> Subject: [arr] A.R.Rahman Website
> Guys,
> Do we have an exclusive professionally organised website for ARR? I 
> didnt find any professional website. I remember the one, Gopal used 
> to maintain long long ago... If i'm not wrong. 
> Most of us are somehow related to IT, i can give my hand to build a 
> website.
> It should go very very professional. Not the usual static one. 
> Dynamic with latest information put on to it. We can think of the 
> cost of website development, maintenance. If all the members, join 
> and with a nominal fee or when we buy ARR t-shirts, lets have a 
> portion of the cost for the website maintenance. Somehow we can 
> generate funds for that.
> Lets give a thought to it and conceive.
> Cheers,
> Bergin.
>       Add online presence to your web pages, find out how here -

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