Sunil, great discovery by you. You are telling that i do blasphame. 
No way man. I just shared with you all what i read somewhere. I just 
questioned whether that was correct. I dont think questioning is 

--- In, "Sunil VG" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well said Vijay. Anyone who has lived with ARR's music long 
enough, felt his
> soul while listening to his songs, would know better than to doubt 
> divine ability, even for a second. For me, Jamal's original mail 
was nothing
> less than blasphemy.
> Regards,
> Sunil
> >
> >   As someone who has watched a r r work and accompanied him on 
crazy hour
> > driv es to studios i can only say that going by the corporate 
work culture i
> > often used to wonder why a r r wouldnt DELEGATE work.......i 
mean once he
> > finalises the tune he can so easily ask someone else to take 
care of the
> > rest and just supervise the final touches but the man actually 
> > sleepless days and nights doing everything from recording the 
instruments to
> > the artistes to mixing it along with the engineers and re 
recording and
> > mastering.
> >
> > On numerous occassions i alongwith guys like gopal and im sure a 
> > others have seen a totally exhausted a r r only because he 
worked for 48 to
> > 72 hours straight............
> >
> > Sincere request to all to put an end to this. After 15 years of 
films and
> > awards, i think its unfair to a r r that a few of us can even 
think on these
> > lines............
> >
> > Cheers
> > Vij
> >
> > _____ Original message _____
> > Subject: [arr] Re: Who composes tune of a song for ARR?
> > Author: "fique r" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <>>
> > Date: 03rd May 2007 7:29:58 PM
> >
> >
> > Actually this is one of way the unknowns in an industry get 
their cheap
> > fame by criticizing the greats. They can't accept that someone 
like ARR
> > keeps on mesmerizing the world folks with each new 'out of the 
world' music
> > whereas they , with all their might, just is capable of a 
whimper. Thus,
> > they resort to cheap tricks to get their name splashed across 
> > websites. But little do these goons know that they will be 
remembered for
> > the wrong reason like the veteran reporter who couldn't 
> > between re-tune and remixed songs.
> >
> > Even Michael Schumacher suffers the same fate. He is by far the 
> > driver ever in the history of F1 racing, but even drivers 
without an iota of
> > Schumacher's accomplishment give negative statements about him.
> >
> > ---------[ Received Mail Content ]----------
> >
> > Subject : [arr] Re: Who composes tune of a song for ARR?
> >
> > Date : Thu, 03 May 2007 09:04:40 -0000
> >
> > From : "rayrai2k" <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <>>
> >
> > To : <arrahmanfans%>
> >
> > "So audiance keeps humming Jatin Lalit / Nadim Shravan / Deva / 
> >
> > Rajkumar songs, though AR's album is a declared hit!"
> >
> > i hear this statement often, but, where is NS, JL, and others 
> >
> > are their hits. NS may be a click in AAshiqui, Saajan + or two 
more JL
> >
> > did not deliver anything best after DDLJ. ARR brings so many to
> >
> > remember that a human remember will fall short of memory. Its 
> >
> > limitation to reckon which one to hum. An example is a memory 
game if
> >
> > the cubes are 16 its easy and what if they are more than 100???
> >
> > Its tota!
> > lly unworthy to accept ARRs songs cant be remember for long
> >
> > som
> > ebody has told and rest follow.
> >
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> >

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