
It has been a long day for me already.. having a very bad headache :-( and the 
time now is 1am.
So, I will try to make it as short as possible.

I was looking forward for to this day since LOTR premiered in Canada.. We 
friends planned to it
out for long but things didn't work out well.. Even I was intending to buy the 
ticket for the
Preview but didn't had the time. Until 5pm today, I was not decided to go. And 
I went alone. :-(
cause all my friends were busy with work or studies. I know that ARR will not 
be there. And I was
half minded as I was pretty sure the tickets would have sold out. Fortunately, 
when I reached
there.. there were about 15% of tickets still not sold. Paid £50 for a £60 (the 
expensive ticket
available) ticket as it is a Preview show.. Bought a Programme Guide book (will 
scan it in the
morning... and will figure out a way to post it at Flickr)....

The Theatre Royal has 3 balcony(s) (Grand Circle, Upper Circle and 
Balcony)apart from the Stage
level floor (Stalls). I was seated in the 7th row (F row) from the Stage on the 
Stage Level Floor
(Stalls).. which is not the best seat.. I would have taken the K row .. which 
has great leg room
plus for me the F row was too close and I felt like I was in the middle of 
Middle Earth.. lol..
but for more surprises I would advice anybody to be seated in K row.. for sure 
I will be taking my
friends next time to row K.

I tried to take pictures of the stage (before the performance) but there was a 
staff standing
right next to me and going "oh, you are not allowed to take any pics.." .. I 
was thinking to
myself.. OK, fine but what about the rest.. there are others taking pics.. :-( 
anyways, I was only
trying to take pics for you guys.. I had a bit of a bad luck with it.

I am not going to criticise the musical as I am not a Theatre goer.. or an LOTR 
fan.. and all I
know is ARR and his music and thats what made me to be there.. I watched Roja 
continuesly for 3
times.. when it came out of video. And I have listened to all most all ARR 
songs. But I couldn't
recognise which is which on LOTR.. as either I was spellbound and couldn't 
recognise which was
done by ARR and which was done Varttina.. but I was able to recognise few 
haunting melodies and
some beats that rushes through your veins to your heart.

There were reporters from UK and Finland (where Varttina is from) but there 
were none from India.
There were CDs available for sale again of Varttina's but not ARR's. (As we all 
know it is not
that easy to compile a CD on ARR..  As if he wants to do one specially to be 
sold at LOTR.. he
might have to go door to door of the Producers and Music Lables of those movies 
that he has made
to ask permission.. But atleast by PREMIER I hope we can have one compiled..  
as Preview of the
show will be running for the next 4 weeks) In the Programme Guide (from my 
first read) in ARR's
profile .. Lagaan is spelt Lagaa' but atleast the profile was upto-date.

As I knew that ARR was not here in London. After the show I didn't stay behind 
to meet anybody
special (as I do not know much about the cast) rather I walked towards the tube 
station. Then I
thought what the heck lets walk back and take a pic of myself in front of the 
theatre. Guess, who
comes out of the theatre.. Christopher Nightingale (to those who do not know 
him.. well he is the
guy ARR is with in the Airtel ad, he is the Musical Supervisor of LOTR and also 
was the Musical
Supervisor of Bombay Dreams).. had a chit chat with him.. funny thing is he 
said ARR is not here..
and I said "yeah, I know" (cause I am part of this group) lol... I asked the 
actor who plays Sam
to take a pic of me and Chris and he obliged but unfortunately the pic is 
shaken.. (me and pics
doesn't work out well.. as last time at the Bombay Dreams autograph session my 
friend did worst to
the pics of me with ARR, all 3 of them) but still I will try and upload the pic 
with him at

One thing is for sure ARR will be the most Googled celebrity in UK for this 
month onwards. Saying
that we are very unfortunate that the arrahmanworld.net is still not updated or 
rather not online.
And I do know Vijay is doing is level best.

All in all £50 (thats more than ten thousand Sri Lankan rupees, Sorry Mum.) was 
worth it.. even
though ARR was not there.. but his music was.



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