Please send in your feedback, Vijay will pass it on to ARR.


----- Original Message ----
From: Prashanth Isaac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 4, 2007 4:04:16 AM
Subject: [arr] Healthy/Constructive Feedback on SFO concert


  I have some feedback from the SFO concert. If everyone agrees, can we send 
this to ARR and the concert organizers? It would possibly enhance the future 
  1) Multilingual Songs :  Lot of songs which exist in Hindi, Tamil and Telugu 
(Like for eg. Roja Janeman, Kehna Hai Kya, Chanda Re were original in Tamil) 
could have been sung in atleast two languages per language per 
stanza. This used to happen with Hariharan and SPB earlier but not in this 
concert....since there were huge Tamil and Telugu audience, there were some 
disappointment on not singing a considerable no. of Tamil and Telugu even 
though there were original singers who sang them were present. Infact only 
Sivaji's songs were in Tamil and also Humma Humma beginning. No Telugu songs 
were played. 
  2) No Host
 :There was no host for the whole show in SFO. Though Blaaze did entertain or 
cheer up the crowd a couple of times and also did a very quick round of intros 
of the musicians, a full fledged host that would provide a brief intro between 
every song would have been great and Blaaze could have done it as well
  3) Expose musicians better: There is excessive darkness and small focus 
lights moving rapidly around the stage. I have been noting this from the day 
when ARR started doing concerts. Also the musicians are not arranged to sit in 
a manner that the crowd can easily see them and note the instruments they play 
in each song during interludes etc. Atleast personally I feel when its a music 
concert the focus should be more on the musicians rather than dancers. While I 
understand the importance of the commercial element in the program with dancers 
and other colorful stuff, due
 importance for the musicians should also be given. For the sake of rapidly 
moving small lights, the focus on musicians playing the instruments in a good 
lighting and seating arrangements should not be compromised. This is my humble 
request as I am an admirer of musicians in the concert rather than the dancers.
  4) On time : I understand all the singers, musicians are busy starts, but the 
concert should start on time as scheduled. Especially in the U.S. when 
foreigners are present there should not be a preception by the Americans that 
Indians are not punctual. I am not sure about other ARR concerts, but there was 
a 20 min delay (For me its ok I can wait for whatever time for ARR) in the SFO 
concert. And I also perfectly understand any unavoidable circumstances which is 
beyonf control. 
  Healthy suggestions on whether this makes sense are welcome.

8:00? 8:25? 8:40?  Find a flick in no time
 with theYahoo! Search movie showtime shortcut.




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